Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 397 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 397 A Trip to Africa (2) ([-])
The little girl Shuang'er didn't know what Leng Ye was doing, so she didn't listen to him, and directed the ice phoenix to land on the mountain.

"Husband, who are you lying to! It's not cold at all." Shuang'er said with a smile as she rode on the back of the ice phoenix.

"Your ice phoenix is ​​the supreme ice element, so of course it's not afraid of the cold. Look at those little tigers, they are all afraid." Leng Ye could only explain to Shuang'er in this way.

The place where Leng Ye is now should be Mawenji Peak, one of the two main peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro, and also the second highest peak on this mountain.

Seeing that Xiaobai was also shivering from the cold, Leng Ye quickly took it back and jumped on the back of Bingfenghuang.

Leng Ye jumped on Bingfenghuang's back and felt even Leng Ye, tremblingly asked: "Shuang'er, are you really not cold?"

"Honey, what are you pretending to be? It's not cold at all! Look at the sun, it's noon now!" Shuang'er said.

"Okay, Shuang'er, there's a house over there, let's go in quickly to keep warm." Leng Ye pointed to a church-like house in front of him.

Shuang'er was admiring the beautiful scenery on the top of the mountain, and sighed, but the commanding ice phoenix landed at the door of the "church".

Once inside, the cold night suddenly felt much warmer. He took Shuang'er's hand and walked in. This is a deep corridor.

"Husband, why is the corridor of this church so deep!" Shuang'er asked.

"It should be over soon." Leng Ye said casually.

After walking for another 5 minutes, Leng Ye saw the real church.There was a white priest holding a book, and opposite the priest was a very neatly dressed black man.

"Shuang'er, what do you think they are doing?" Leng Ye asked.

"Don't you know this? The pastor is preaching to the little bastard, trying to influence him. But it seems that he is playing the piano to the cow." Shuang'er said.

Leng Ye smiled, stepped forward, and actually heard the conversation between the pastor and the man.

The white pastor said: "Mr. Morkey: My condolences are by the way."

The black man said: "Mr. Pastor, please save Tashisi! She is not dead yet."

The white pastor said: "Mr. Morkey: My condolences are by the way."

The black man said: "Mr. Pastor, please save Tashisi! She is not dead yet."


Leng Ye heard these two sentences over and over again, and they didn't even look at themselves. In addition, they all spoke Chinese that Leng Ye could understand. Leng Ye immediately understood that they were all NPCs, but they didn't understand Why is this so boring.

"Maybe this is a mission?" Leng Ye thought to himself, and asked forward, "Brother, do you want to save Zhaxisi?"

Hearing Leng Ye's words, the black man immediately became interested, and said to Leng Ye: "Brother, can you help me save Zhaxisi?"

Leng Ye said: "Do you know where Zhaxisi is now? Was she arrested by someone?"

(End of this chapter)

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