Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 411 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 411 A Trip to Africa (1) ([-])
Sitting on the four-winged flying tiger of Mars, hugging the fiery Mars, touching a pair of big white rabbits on her chest through the clothes, in the tender voice of Mars, unknowingly came to the peak of Wuhulu Peak. mountain top.

As soon as he came out, Leng Ye sighed: "Damn, this is too deep. No wonder the power of the little sun alone can't melt the ice here." From the bottom of the cave to the top of the mountain, there are at least two to three thousand meters. The entire Uhuru Peak is only five thousand or several hundred meters high.

"Sister Bing'er, how many of them are there?" Huoxing asked seeing that Shuang'er and others were not there.

"They went down first, let's go too!" said the Ice Witch.

A few people wanted to leave, but Huo Xing said: "No, my husband is too heavy, and my little tiger is exhausted. You can sit on Sister Bing'er's little dragon! It is very strong."

Leng Ye had no choice but to climb on Qinglong's back.Qinglong's explosive power is really not so strong. When he moved together, Leng Ye almost fell down, and hurriedly hugged the body of the ice witch.This was also Leng Ye's first physical contact with the Ice Witch.Even though she had registered for marriage before, that was just to allow the teleportation effect of the wedding ring to work. As for the bridal chamber, there has been no such thing.Maybe just now he got used to hugging Huo Huo's body, Leng Ye moved his hands up a little bit, and naturally touched the Ice Witch's breasts.Even through the skin, Leng Ye felt particularly excited, maybe because the Ice Witch was bigger, or maybe Leng Ye was used to touching other girls, but he was a little strange to this girl!

No matter what happened to Leng Ye, the Ice Witch was touched by Leng Ye, feeling his powerful big hands and his back against her. She felt a comfortable feeling that she had never felt before, which made her enjoy it very much.

Leng Ye saw Shuang'er crying with snot and tears, looking very haggard, jumped off the green dragon, hugged Shuang'er, and asked, "Shuang'er, what's wrong with you? Who dares to bully me?" My good Shuang'er, I skinned him alive!"

Shuang'er was still crying in Leng Ye's arms, like a little daughter-in-law who was abandoned by Ailang just after she got married, and was comparable to Meng Jiangnv.

Leng Ye looked at the girls, and his face was not good-looking, and asked: "What's wrong with Shuang'er? Zimei, tell me."

Qiu Zimei whispered: "Sister Shuang'er... Sister Shuang'er's ice phoenix has escaped."

"Ice Phoenix ran away? How did it happen? You never lie." Leng Ye looked at the girls in disbelief, and they all nodded.

"How could it be! Hearing that the divine eagle said that he was about to unseal the seal, how could he run away! Shuang'er treated her well!" Leng Ye said to himself.

"Shen Diao, will the ice phoenix run away after the seal is lifted?" Leng Ye asked.

Garuda said: "That's right, boss, what I wanted to tell you just now...but you only care about flirting with women, and you don't listen to me."

Leng Ye is also flawlessly arguing with the golden-winged roc now, asking, "Can I come back after running away?"

The golden-winged roc laughed, and said, "Boss, it's hard to get over the water, so let's be sad!"

Now that the flooding is hard to recover, Leng Ye had no choice but to comfort Shuang'er, saying: "Shuang'er, don't cry. I'm also very sad that Xiaobing ran away, and my husband will catch another one for you in the future. Don't cry, Shuang'er be good... "Unexpectedly, Shuang'er was still crying in pain, and even her nose flowed out. Leng Ye took out a piece of equipment from the space ring, wiped it for her, and threw it away.

Shuang'er wept and said, "Old...husband, Xiaobing... Xiaobing ran... ran away."

Leng Ye comforted: "I see, don't cry, let's get off the assembly line!" Then he said to the girls: "If you want to play, you can play, and if you don't want to play, you can also go down! I will come back at this time tomorrow night."

[The following is transferred out of the game]

After going offline, Leng Ye rushed to Shuang'er's room and found that Shuang'er was still wearing a virtual helmet. After calling N times on the outreach button on the helmet, Shuang'er withdrew.

Shuang'er took off the helmet. Although she didn't shed tears, her eyes were red. It seems that today's virtual technology has reached a high level. No wonder so many people have joined the game.

Seeing Leng Ye, Shuang'er called out "husband—" and shed tears again.Leng Ye tried her best to coax Shuang'er into a smile until she was about to cry.

"Shuang'er, may I go shopping with you?" Leng Ye said.Since meeting Shuang'er, this is the first time that Leng Ye has voluntarily said this to Shuang'er.

"Okay, okay!" Shuang'er immediately jumped up and down, as if nothing had happened before, it seems that shopping does have infinite charm for many girls.

Walking on the sidewalk in Quancheng, looking at the beautiful night scene, Shuang'er is like a child, looking here and there for a while, enjoying himself.

"Shuang'er, do you girls like shopping?" Leng Ye asked.

"of course."

"What's so good about shopping?"

"You can buy a lot of things, you can buy a lot of good-looking things, you can buy a lot of fun things, and you can..."

"What else can I do?"

"You can also see a lot of handsome guys!"

"Am I handsome?"

"No! You are more handsome than them all."

"Then come out to see the handsome guy? Why not just stay at home."

"It's different!"

Seeing Leng Ye's angry look, Shuang'er said with a smile: "Husband, don't be jealous, I'll accompany you to see beauties!"

Dizzy in the cold night.

(End of this chapter)

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