Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 412 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 412 A Trip to Africa (1) ([-])
Shuang'er took Leng Ye into a nearby bar called Asuka Miqing.This is also a high-end bar that has just opened under Shuang'er's father's company. It is luxuriously decorated and popular.In fact, bars under the sun, no matter how they are decorated, have one thing in common: handsome guys-good wine-beauties.Alcohol closely connects men and women, and the best results of entering a bar are nothing more than two, one is that the man takes the woman away, and the other is that the woman takes the man away.

When you come here, you will meet some people dancing in the frantic crowd with flickering lights and blurred music, some people sitting leisurely at the bar watching bartender play with wine bottles, some noisy, lonely, excited, low-pitched and strong of helpless people.The wine bottle is between the left hand and the right hand, swimming obediently, bouncing up and down, docile and hypocritical.

The people who come to this bar to consume are all relatively high-end.The so-called class refers to the kind with a lot of cards, a lot of money, and a lot of lovers.As the saying goes, the higher the class, the lower the class.

Although Leng Ye can be considered a rich man now, he is obviously still a fledgling in such a high-consumption place.According to Shuang'er, it was his first time to come to this place, but the waiter at the bar recognized her at the first sight, and called Miss Miss.Refusing the request to go to the inner room, Shuang'er and Leng Ye sat down in the outer room.

At nine o'clock, the passionate and seductive show began.After a very seductive opening speech by the host, a sexy white beauty with scantily clad clothes came on stage.Leng Ye didn't expect that Shuang'er really brought her to see the beauty.

Leng Ye minimized the number of times she looked at the stage, and asked, "Shuang'er, is she going to do a striptease?"

Shuang'er chuckled and said, "Don't say it so vulgarly, it's a pole dance."

Leng Ye let out an "oh", and then slowly began to enjoy the steel pole performance of the sexy beauty.

Suddenly, Leng Ye caught a glimpse behind him of a man dressed in ordinary clothes who couldn't be more ordinary, sitting in an inconspicuous corner, drinking fine wine and looking at beautiful women.

The night scene of the bar is so strange that it makes people's eyes blurred, giving people a feeling of thinly and shallowly dripping into wine glasses filled with colorful liquids, and slowly sinking.However, Leng Ye found that there was a hint of evil on this man's face, to be precise, it was a murderous look.Although Leng Ye didn't look at the man directly, he found that the man was staring at him intentionally or unintentionally.

Leng Ye knew that tonight was not peaceful again.

After another half an hour, Leng Ye looked at the staff in the bar while watching the beauties performing on stage.After confirming that the man had no accomplices, Leng Ye understood that the visitor was not good.

(End of this chapter)

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