Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 415 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 415 A Trip to Africa (21) (2)
"Bing'er, go down." Leng Ye said to the Ice Witch.Hearing the words, the ice witch hurriedly directed Qinglong to fly downward.When he got close to the "extra large boat", Leng Ye could see that it was a huge "boat-shaped" building, as big as a hill.This "boat-shaped" building has nine floors. From the first floor to the fifth floor, there are many people there, as if upgrading to fight monsters, while the fifth floor and above are empty, and there are no shadows of any monsters.The levelers obviously also saw Leng Ye and the others, each of them seemed to be looking at rare animals, and even stopped killing monsters.

The equipment in the game is similar, Leng Ye can see that the equipment in the hands of these people are generally [-] or [-]-level ordinary products, but many of them can release [-]-level magic, which also makes Leng Ye feel very Puzzled, he sighed: "No matter how low the rate of violence in the game is, such a situation will not happen!" (You will see the content of this aspect later, please pay attention patiently)

Leng Ye and the girls landed at the foot of the "boat-shaped" building.As soon as they stood firm, a large number of black people came up and surrounded them tightly.The black people held all kinds of low-level swords in their hands, pointing at Leng Ye and the others, and muttering something in their mouths.

"Husband, we are here for disaster relief. Why are they so unfriendly? With those of the [-]th and [-]th levels, the level is not much higher. Husband killed them!" Shuang'er said.After Shuang'er finished speaking, the girls also showed their weapons. Obviously, she was quite prestigious among the girls.

Leng Ye understood the purpose of coming to Africa this time, hurriedly asked the girls to put away their weapons, and said, "Shuang'er, the big thing is important." Then he smiled at the onlookers in a friendly manner, and then poured out from the ring of space A batch of level [-] equipment.

When the onlookers saw the equipment, they immediately dispelled their hostility towards Leng Ye.Leng Ye and the girls distributed the equipment to the black people watching.After everyone got the equipment, they also regarded Leng Ye and the others as the God of Wealth and knelt down one by one.

Suddenly, a rather handsome (Leng Ye's self-feeling, to be honest, he really doesn't have any aesthetic standards for black people) black girl came up and said in very broken Chinese: "Are you Mr. Leng Ye? "

Leng Ye didn't expect that there would be someone here who could speak Chinese. He was overjoyed and said, "I am Leng Ye."

The girl looked very happy, and said, "My name is Dai Lisi, and I welcome Mr. Leng Ye and his wives to Tanzania."

During the conversation with the girl, Leng Ye learned that the girl is 22 years old this year. She likes Chinese history and culture very much. She once studied in China, so she can speak some Chinese.A few days ago, players in the entire Tanzania region knew that Leng Ye had come to rescue the disaster, and the only player in "Lingyun" who reached level [-] was Leng Ye, so this clever girl naturally guessed that Shuang'er and the others It's Leng Ye's wife.

(End of this chapter)

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