Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 416 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 416 A Trip to Africa (21) (3)
From the conversation with the girl, Leng Ye also knew that due to the destruction of human beings and the reduction of the earth's resources, Tanzania's tourism environment no longer exists, and the economy of this country, which has always relied on tourism for a living, has fallen into an unprecedented low.However, Tanzanians have not been good at developing agriculture in recent decades, so the lives of Tanzanians are very difficult.Although many people in Tanzania know that the game "Lingyun" can solve the basic food and clothing problems of players, it is a pity that many people in Tanzania are so poor that they can't even afford a game helmet.Although the Indian Ocean tsunami swept across their homes, in a sense it was a gift from God to them.Because this disaster has attracted worldwide attention to them, especially the "Lingyun" company donated tens of millions of virtual helmets at once, which solved the basic food and clothing problems of the military and civilians at once.The arrival of the cold night opened the door to a well-off life for them.

The place where they are located is the East China Sea Shipyard.According to Dai Lisi, since she came to the game, she only saw the building called "Ship Tower" in front of her, and there were no other ships at all.

Leng Ye asked suddenly: "Dalice, are there any NPCs on this ship?"

Dai Lisi said: "Each floor has a special NPC, they are silent, and no one knows what they are doing."

Leng Ye was overjoyed, and walked to the ship block under the leadership of Dai Lisi.

(End of this chapter)

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