Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 417 A Trip to Africa

Chapter 417 A Trip to Africa (22) (1)
Looking down from the air, the ship tower is not very big. Once inside the ship tower, Leng Ye felt that there was a universe inside.The inside is like a labyrinth with twists and turns. Compared with some nine bends and eighteen bends, there is a platform the size of half a basketball court at each corner, which is suitable for small-scale team upgrades.

The monsters on the ship tower start from level [-], and the level of the monsters increases by [-]-[-] for each level.In the past, only one floor was open here. After the player killed the boss of this floor, the door leading to the next floor would open. In this sense, this place is a bit like the Yuelao Building in China.

The leveling players on the first floor are all players from level [-] to level [-]. Due to equipment problems, they can only rely on their level advantage to kill these mentally handicapped monsters that are lower than their level.The monsters on the first floor are all magnified scorpions and poisonous snakes. What makes Leng Ye want to laugh is that the faces of these monsters are also very black, which is comparable to the players who are leveling here.Black and black monsters are quite a match.

Dai Lisi has been leveling up by killing monsters in the ship block since level [-], and now she has reached level [-]. She doesn't have any fixed team. In her words, beautiful girls are not afraid of being taken by others, so they can always get mixed into the team.Therefore, Dai Lisi is very familiar with the environment here, and after turning around three times, she took Leng Ye to meet the NPC aunt on the first floor.

As soon as he saw the NPC, Leng Ye stepped forward and greeted politely: "Hello, aunt! Hello, aunt! We are Leng Ye, an adventurer from the east..."

Dai Lisi smiled and said: "Mr. Leng Ye, everyone here has talked to her before they found out that she is dumb! You don't ask anything, she won't talk to you."

Leng Ye smiled, pointed at the NPC aunt and said, "Is that a word on her clothes? What is it?"

Dai Lisi replied: "That is the language of our country, and that is the word 'punishment'."

"Punishment? Could it be that he committed some crime? But what crime did he commit? Could it be the abduction and trafficking of women and children? Could it be that Zhaxisi's matter has something to do with her?" Leng Ye was thinking wildly.In short, the current cold night is very sensitive, and everything is focused on the mission, after all, this is where the East China Sea Shipyard is located.

Leng Ye tried to take out the rag, and said to the NPC aunt, "Does this aunt know this thing?"

Seeing the rag, the auntie NPC asked, "Young Xia Leng, after 300 years, I have finally waited for you." Her hands were trembling, obviously very excited.

Leng Ye was taken aback by the words of the NPC aunt, looked at her again, shook her head, and thought: "Could it be that she started to fall in love with me secretly [-] years ago? But I didn't know where I was at that time! My face is full of wrinkles. , Old and ugly, black and not autumnal, definitely not my type."

"Auntie, what are you waiting for me for [-] years?" Leng Ye asked.

(End of this chapter)

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