Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 437: Seven-character True Connotation

Chapter 437 The Seven-Character Truth (1)
The cold night gave the two daughters an extraordinary enjoyment-pain and happiness, and they didn't stop until dawn.The two girls couldn't bear the "torture" and both fell asleep.Leng Ye took a nap for a while, and after giving them an affectionate kiss, she came to Shuang'er's room.

Leng Ye patted Shuang'er's butt lightly, and she woke up, opened her eyes slightly, but she was still in a daze.

"Husband, what the hell are you doing! I'm so sleepy!" Shuang'er said as she turned over and continued to fall asleep.

"It's already 08:30, if I don't get up again, I will go to the Tanzania area alone to provide disaster relief." Leng Ye said in Shuang'er's ear.

This trick really worked, Shuang'er quickly got up from the bed, and put on her white priest's robe again.

After giving Leng Ye a sweet kiss, Shuang'er said, "Husband, you go there first! I'll go and wake up the sisters, so that they won't be naked when you rotate the wedding ring."

Leng Ye nodded and walked out.When he reached the door, he turned back and said with a smile: "Bing'er and my little wife don't need to go today, you don't need to call them."

Shuang'er smiled and said: "Bad guy! It seems that the two younger sisters have been tormented enough. I know, you go!"

The reception in the Tanzania district was the same as the previous two districts, and it was also carried out inside the first gang. Except that there were more people and more enthusiasm, there was nothing special about Leng Ye.Not only Leng Ye, even the girls were numb.So, as soon as the donation ceremony ended on the second day, Leng Ye and the girls ran out in time to continue busying with the matter of black and white Qianling.

Once out of Dodoma City, Shuang'er said, "Husband, I can't find a pharmacist, and I can't find any NPCs related to 'Shangjin Yibai Thirty Days'. Do you have any good ideas?"

For the past three days, Leng Ye had considered this issue while looking for the NPC pharmacist.He had a strange feeling, that was his understanding of "Shangjin was white for thirty days".He admits that "Shangjin Yibai Thirty Days" has been torn apart, but he feels that it is a person's name or a place name that has been torn apart, not several people's names.As for whether the name of the person or place has a Chinese meaning, he thinks it is not important.But he believes that this so-called name or place name must be expressed in Chinese characters.

So, Leng Ye said to the girls: "Think about it, what are the three-character or four-character names of people or places that can be combined with 'Shangjin Yibai Thirty Days'."

This did not bother the girls, and they quickly came up with several answers.Leng Ye's eyes lit up, and he picked out a very familiar word: Chang Baiyue. "Chang" is a combination of "Shang" and "Towel", "Bai" is a combination of "Yi" and "Bai", and "Yue" is a combination of a few girls according to the meaning of "Thirty Days".

When Leng Ye said these three words to everyone, Shuang'er and the others immediately thought of Chang Baicao.

Mercury said: "Husband, didn't you say that all missions are done with NPCs? How did you get in touch with Brother Chang?"

Xuemei also echoed, "Yes! Husband, I asked Brother Chang, his alchemy skills have not yet reached the highest level, how could it be him?"

Huo Huo also said: "Yes, yes! Husband, Fahai is in Tanzania, how can he know that there is a big brother Chang in China?"


Several women expressed their opinions one after another, and there were different opinions.

Finally, Shuang'er said: "Husband, since monk Fahai can appear in Tanzania, it is not surprising that Chang Baicao can become a pharmacist. I think the key to the problem lies in the last word. If the word 'month' can If it becomes the word 'grass', then it must be Chang Baicao."

(End of this chapter)

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