Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 438: Seven-character True Connotation

Chapter 438 The Seven-Character Truth (2)
After listening to Shuang'er's words, within three seconds, Leng Ye figured out the result and laughed loudly.

"Husband, do you know? Tell me quickly!"

"Husband, tell me—"


Leng Ye coughed twice, and said: "It's Chang Baicao!" Leng Ye squatted down, took out a dagger, wrote the character "草" on the ground, and said, "Look, there is a word on the top of the word '草'." It's a '她', isn't '哉' just two 'ten'? Plus the 'ten' below is three 'ten'? Three 'ten' plus the word '日' in the middle, no Is it 'thirty days'?"

Hearing this, the girls suddenly became enlightened, their eyes widened, and they looked at Leng Ye as if they were looking at rare animals.After a while, they said in unison: "Honey, you are so talented——"

Leng Ye looked smug, laughed, and crushed the scroll to return to the city.

In the meeting hall of the Sword Demon God's Palace, Leng Ye told Chang Baicao one by one about the situation he encountered.

Chang Baicao sighed, and said: "Brother, there is a record about the spirit of all things in the "Shen Nong Baicao Jing". The book says that all things in the world have life, and this life is where their 'spirit' is. It is invisible. See No. Even if all things are destroyed, this "spirit" will not disappear. Therefore, someone has developed a "panacea" medicine, so later generations can talk about panacea (here is pure nonsense, everyone still has to believe in science) .However, to refine this 'elixir' medicine, you need to reach the top level of alchemy."

Leng Ye asked, "What is the current level of brother's alchemy?"

Chang Baicao smiled wryly and said, "Brother, I'm only one step away from reaching the top level. I want to cry! Big brother doesn't ask me to do things easily, and I can't help you if you ask me once. I'm really ashamed of big brother..."

Leng Ye said: "It's only one step away? Is this God's will?" Leng Ye laughed loudly as he spoke.

Chang Baicao hurriedly said: "Brother, are you alright! Don't get overwhelmed. Let's think of a way."

Leng Ye said: "Brother, where did you want to go? This is God's will, but this is God's alchemy to perfect you, brother."

Chang Baicao was startled and said, "Brother, is what you said true?"

Leng Ye told Chang Baicao about the encounter with Fa Hai in the foreign country again, and she was very happy.

Chang Baicao asked eagerly: "Brother, what panacea did Zen Master Fahai ask you to bring me to break through the bottleneck of alchemy?"

Crazy in the cold night! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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