Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 439 God-level alchemy

Chapter 439 God-level alchemy (1) ([-])
Leng Ye asked: "Brother, is there no way to raise the alchemy technique to the top level?"

Chang Baicao said: "Brother, there are two ways. One is to keep refining the elixir. If things go on like this, within three years, the appraisal certificate will definitely reach the god level."

Leng Ye hurriedly said: "Three years? Your eldest brother, I have been reincarnated several times. Is there any quick way? It should be completed within five or six months at least."

Chang Baicao let out a long sigh and said: "The art of refining medicine has always been about step-by-step. There is also a quick way, but it is very demanding for the refiner. According to the records of "Shen Nong Baicao Jing", No.30 Seventh Generation Medicine Sage His talent is quite high, plus he had an adventure, he actually broke through the bottleneck overnight and raised his alchemy to the god level."

Leng Ye was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "I think my brother's talent is much higher than that of the No. 30 seventh-generation medicine sage. As long as there is a little adventure, maybe he can break through the bottleneck in the middle of the night. Does that brother know the medicine sage?" What adventure did you have?"

Chang Baicao said with a smile: "Brother, I have won the prize. But when it comes to the talent of refining medicine, I often say that Baicao is the second, and no one dares to say that it is the first... According to the "Shen Nong Baicao Jing", the No.30 seventh-generation medicine sage Once when he went to Changbai Mountain to gather medicine, he fell from the top unfortunately. Fortunately, he was blocked by a big tree in the mountain and saved his life. He was in a coma all night on the big tree, and when he woke up the next day, he found that his alchemy skills had reached the top level .”

Leng Ye hurriedly said: "Brother, you..." He originally wanted to ask Chang Baicao to try the feeling of falling from the mountain, but he found that it was not suitable, so he stopped in time.You know, falling from the top of the mountain won't really kill people, but the pain of bone removal is not something ordinary players can tolerate, let alone Chang Baicao is a life player.This is a big change since the game started automatically, and it is intended to remind players to cherish life at all times.

Chang Baicao smiled and said, "Brother, I have tried that method, and not just once. I don't know if it's my bad luck, brother. I almost never fall onto the tree, but occasionally fall into the tree once or twice. , My life is still not enough."

Leng Ye didn't expect that Chang Baicao's obsession with medicine had reached such a crazy point that he would actually self-mutilate his body, secretly admiring him, and asked, "What does that brother mean, there is no other way?"

Chang Baicao shook his head and said, "Brother, according to posterity, No. 30, the seventh-generation medicine sage, fell from the tree and reached a high state of "entering meditation", which means that he has completely lost his intuition. But he didn't die. But brother, don't think that he has become a vegetable, which is fundamentally different from a vegetable. It is this supreme state of "entering concentration" that allowed No.30 Seventh Generation Medicine Sage to break through the bottleneck of refining medicine overnight. , raised the level of refining medicine to the god level."

Hearing what Chang Baicao said, Leng Ye saw hope again, and asked, "Brother, is there a way to achieve this supreme state of 'entering concentration'?"

(End of this chapter)

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