Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 447 Three people become tigers and one person becomes wolf

Chapter 447 Three people become tigers and one person becomes wolf (2)
Leng Ye obviously also knew this allusion, when he heard Shuang'er's story, he suddenly understood, hugged her and kissed her.Among the girls, some of the quickest ones also understood what Shuang'er meant, with smiles on their faces.

Leng Ye quickly called Dai Lisi, coincidentally, that little girl was also there, and she was practicing on the fourth floor of the ship block.

Upon seeing Leng Ye, Dai Lisi said happily: "Brother, where have you been these two days?"

Leng Ye smiled, and said: "Something happened in the gang, I was delayed for a few days, no, I'll look for you as soon as I come here! Look at the special product of the Sword Demon God Palace brought to you by the elder brother." As he said, he took a set of women's [-] The super white dress was handed over to Dai Sisi.

Dai Lisi put it on immediately and exclaimed: "Wow! It's so beautiful! Thank you brother!"

Leng Ye smiled, even calling her pretty.

After the freshness was over, Dai Lisi said: "If you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal. Brother, tell me, is there anything you need my help with?"

Leng Ye smiled and said: "Little sister is really smart. Brother knows that you are not only beautiful like a flower, beautiful like a fairy, like a fish and a wild goose, and a moon-like flower, but also you are ice-snow smart, smart, and extremely smart..." Leng Ye Ye can't wait to use all the words to describe the girl's beauty and intelligence.

Dai Lisi burst out laughing, obviously enjoying the compliment Leng Ye, hurriedly said: "Brother...Brother, just tell me what to do!"

Leng Ye said: "I want my little sister to help my brother call some people."

"to here?"

"Yes, come here."

"Brother, this is the seventh floor. Before they arrive, they will be killed by monsters in seconds."

"Don't worry about this, I will open the way for them."

"Can this work?"

"You still don't believe in your brother's strength?"

"Why do it?"

"Just tell them that I will take them to level up for an hour, the more people the better."

"Is it so cheap?"

"As long as they say something against the old lady's will."

Leng Ye gave Dai Lisi a general description of what happened just now, and finally let Dai Lisi fully understand her intentions.

Dai Lisi said: "Brother, you are so smart! But you are also very insidious!"

Leng Ye smiled, took a few girls, and followed Dai Lisi down.

At this point, there are a lot of players online in Tanzania, so it's not hard to find people.As soon as she reached the fifth floor, Dai Lisi announced all the way, saying that Mr. Leng Ye, who came to donate equipment yesterday, would personally take everyone to experience the thrill of leapfrog killing.Many players on the fifth floor have seen the powerful strength of Leng Ye and others, so wherever Dai Lisi goes, there will be more people following her behind.After a while, hundreds of people were gathered.

Form a team with them respectively, Leng Ye, Nine Girls, and pets of all sizes lead the way. Wherever they go, corpses are scattered all over the field. It is simply a one-sided massacre, and the monster has no power to fight back.The Tanzanian players who followed behind them marveled at the strength of Leng Ye and the others, while enjoying the thrill of soaring experience, they reached the seventh floor without knowing it.

(End of this chapter)

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