Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 448 Three people become tigers and one person becomes wolf

Chapter 448 Three people become tigers and one person becomes wolf (3)
As soon as she saw the old lady, Dai Lisi whispered something to them.Leng Ye laughed when he saw that some male players in the Tanzania area took a few steps back, and some even vomited.

It was the female players who stepped forward one by one and said to the old lady, "Girl, you are so young and beautiful!"

The old lady was overjoyed to hear their compliments, but the old face also had a lot of wrinkles because of too many smiles.

After the female players finished talking one by one, it was finally the turn of the male players.

There was a scar on his face, a very frustrating soldier walked up, and said in a very thick masculine bass, "Old woman, my girl, so young and beautiful!" The soldier turned his head after finishing speaking. He made a "V" gesture to everyone.

Leng Ye couldn't understand what this soldier said, otherwise he would definitely be mad at him.

Sure enough, after hearing the soldier's words, the old lady's complexion changed suddenly, and she was so angry that with a wave of her big hand, the soldier turned into a burst of white light and disappeared.

Seeing that the soldier died, everyone panicked and dispersed like birds and beasts.

At this time, Leng Ye heard the old lady's angry voice: "Unless I see myself getting younger with my own eyes, otherwise, you will never know the whereabouts of Zhaxisi."

When Leng Ye heard the words, his heart turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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