Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 457: Myriad Beast Mountain Shows Its Prestige

Chapter 457: Myriad Beast Mountain Shows Its Prestige (1)
As soon as he returned to Sword Demon City, Leng Ye's pager rang non-stop. It was sent by a few girls who were stoned to death.Leng Ye smiled wryly, and quickly walked into the Sword Demon Building.

Leng Ye quietly walked into her room, saw several girls smiling and talking loudly, and shouted: "Wife, I'm back!"

The next moment, Leng Ye didn't enjoy the hugs of the girls, let alone their sweet kisses as he imagined, but what greeted him was punches and kicks...

A woman is the best coaxing animal, especially when it comes to a man she loves so much that she has little resistance.Leng Ye had prepared in advance, and grabbed a lot of jewelry from the ring of space for the girls to choose from.There are a total of eleven pieces of jewelry, ten of which should have been automatically picked up by the Ring of Space when the Pirate King died, and one was picked up from Japan to make up the number.

The girls all picked one they liked, and happily held it in their hands.

Suddenly, Shuang'er shouted: "Honey! What is this?"

Leng Ye took a very beautiful headdress with blue light from Shuang'er's hand. At the place of Shuang'er's finger, there was a line of small characters, which said "MADE IN JAPAN", which was obviously carved by hand.After Leng Ye looked at it, he casually threw the headgear out of the window (after the game runs autonomously, the equipment, medicines, etc. made by the players can be engraved with the words "Made by XX people, produced by XX fruit.").

The girls immediately applauded Leng Ye and said in unison: "Husband, you are doing well! Resolutely boycott Japanese products!"

Leng Ye suddenly remembered that he had brought back a large amount of equipment from Japan last time, so he quickly issued a gang announcement, the content of which was as follows:

Attention all members of the Sword Demon Shrine, check all the equipment on your body and in the warehouse immediately, and all equipment marked with "Made in Little Japan" should be taken to the square in front of the Armory and destroyed.You can get a similar piece of equipment from the Armory Manager.And tell the news to relatives and friends in the gang.After three days of inspection, if anyone is found wearing it, he will be expelled from the gang immediately.

The gang announcement was released ten times in a row, and it quickly spread to the ears of the gang members of the Sword Demon God Palace.The girls were silent at first, then, with a huff, Leng Ye threw herself on the bed and kissed them one by one.

Throwing away Shuang'er's beautiful Japanese headgear, Leng Ye naturally wanted to make it up to her. She looked through the space ring, but couldn't find anything suitable, so she took out the black jade pendant she got from Dex and hung it on the Shuang'er's neck.The black jade pendant is also really uplifting to Leng Ye, it is round, slightly bigger than a coin, and has a unique black aura.Wearing it on the snow-white body of Shuang'er, it immediately dazzled and set off a unique noble temperament.Shuang'er couldn't put it down and played with it, and the other girls also gathered around, and it was obvious that they all loved this piece of jade from the bottom of their hearts.

Leng Ye secretly sighed: "I have eleven beautiful wives who are as beautiful as flowers and jade, but it's a pity that He Shibi only divided it into nine yuan, otherwise I would give each of them one piece."

(End of this chapter)

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