Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 458: Myriad Beast Mountain Shows Its Prestige

Chapter 458: Myriad Beast Mountain Shows Its Prestige (2)
Having obtained one-ninth of He's Bi, Leng Ye is not in a hurry to complete that perverted SSS-level mission. There are two days before he can go to Mozambique for disaster relief. With nothing to do, he simply takes a few girls to practice leveling. Make up for the loss of these days.He took a few girls out of the north gate of Sword Demon City, and went straight to the top of Wanshou Mountain.

Due to the special location of Sword Demon City, the entire Myriad Beast Mountain has undoubtedly become the private property of Sword Demon Palace.Along the way, Leng Ye saw scattered players on the mountain, wearing luxurious equipment that did not match their level, and under the leadership of several senior players, they easily killed wolves and tigers.When they saw Leng Ye, they would all shout "Hello, Chief", which made Leng Ye really feel the honor of being a leader.

While walking, Xuemei also introduced the situation in the gang to Leng Ye.What surprised Leng Ye was that Xuemei seemed to be very clear about everything big and small in the gang. She could even call out the name of the captain of a [-]-person leveling team, which really impressed Leng Ye. But it's just a "financial director" in the gang! .How does Leng Ye know the hardships behind Xuemei!

There are many types of monsters on Wanshou Mountain, and the same type has many subspecies.Take tigers as an example, they are divided into Siberian tigers, South China tigers, Bali tigers, Southeast Asian tigers, Javan tigers, Sumatran tigers, Bengal tigers, Caspian tigers, black and blue tigers, etc., and many other species.As long as there is something in the real world, it will appear here regardless of geographical and living conditions.Different types of monsters have different attacks, defenses, and skills they possess.The leveling squad leader of the Sword Demon Shrine would record all the details of the monsters they encountered to facilitate the leveling of the members.The higher you go up the mountain, the higher the monster's level and the rarer the species.After passing the tiger gathering area, there are rare birds and animals above, and the lowest level is 5.And there are at least [-] to [-] players in the Sword Demon Shrine at level [-], so the most leveling is at the intersection of the tiger area and the rare animals area.

When they reached the edge of the rare birds and animals area, the girls let Leng Ye show off their hands to show the prestige of the gang leader.As soon as the lazy sword came out, Leng Ye stabbed the tiger's butt with a sword, and then saw the black and blue tiger of level [-] fall to the ground and disappeared in a burst of white light.Immediately there was warm applause from around.Leng Ye had a complacent look on his face, but he secretly sighed in his heart: "One sword can easily kill level [-] monsters instantly, but it can't break through the defense of fairy beasts, it's sad!"

Passing through the dense leveling crowd, Leng Ye brought the girls to Changyou's location.

Chang right: A monster in ancient Chinese legends, shaped like a monkey, but with four ears.According to the information of Sword Demon Shrine, Long Right: Level [-] monster, purely physical attack, attack between [-] and [-], life ranging from [-] to [-], defense around [-], fast speed around [-], skills similar to A warrior's fatal blow has a certain chance of causing double damage, but this chance is very low, around [-] (percent).

(End of this chapter)

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