Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 459: Myriad Beast Mountain Shows Its Prestige

Chapter 459: Myriad Beast Mountain Shows Its Prestige (3)
There is a data comparison in the data. For a knight at level [-], if the initial attributes are all full and all the points are added to life, then this knight (without wearing equipment): life [-], attack [-], defense [-], speed [-].Putting on a set of top-quality equipment, a level [-] knight can attack against a level [-] long right, but the speed is pitifully slow, sometimes it takes more than half an hour to kill one.If it is paired with warriors, mages, archers, etc., it can be said to be a good combination, but Changyou will not stand and let them kill, and will run away in rare cases. This is the special feature of rare animals. place.

There is also a data comparison in the data. For a fighter at level [-], if the initial attributes are all full, and all the points are added to the strength, then this fighter (without wearing equipment): health [-], attack [-], defense [-], speed [-].Putting on a set of top-quality equipment, a level [-] fighter can attack with a level [-] long right.If the warrior and Changyou are attacking each other, as long as the warrior doesn't hang up, he can kill Changyou relatively easily. However, killing a monster may cost dozens of silver coins of potion, which is not worth the candle.If there is a priest on his right, it is a good combination.However, the same happens.Because the fighter's speed is too slow, he can't stop the feldspar.It is possible that feldspar killed the priest first.

In the special case of the warden right, the sword demon palace came here to level up the team. Each team has at least two knights, one fighter, and one priest, and they can be matched with one at random.

Leng Ye slashed at a long right that was just swiped in front of him, causing more than 1 damage directly, swiped, swiped, and made four more sword strikes. Chang's right died without touching Leng Ye.Leng Ye's performance made the girls dumbfounded, and they doubted the reliability of the information.The Sword Demon God's Palace who was leveling nearby was even more stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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