Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 478 The Mysterious Lazy Sword

Chapter 478 The Mysterious Lazy Sword (1) ([-])
Jin Nanyan's calls became louder and her performance became more and more similar. People who didn't know really thought that Zhu Longquan was molesting her!But Zhu Longquan was still as stable as a rock, listening but not listening, and unmoved at all.

Leng Ye pointed at the door and asked, "Brother, is she really Marshal Jin's younger sister?"

Zhu Longquan said: "Brother, don't you know that Jin Nanyan is Marshal Jin's younger sister? But I really admire brother, a girl you don't know is so obsessed with you."

Leng Ye didn't say that he had never seen Jin Nanyan before, even he heard this name for the first time, smiled bitterly, and said: "Brother, go and open the door! Letting her make a noise and spread the word will not affect the effect!"

But Zhu Longquan said: "Brother, don't! You don't know how powerful she is! She is a famous broom star in Sword Demon City, and anyone who sees her will be unlucky. It's not that I'm too unfeeling. Maybe something will happen! Maybe Lazy Sword will be scrapped immediately. Besides, I didn’t make her a little golden pigeon for your own sake! Maybe she is the second Chen Yuanyuan! Once you marry her, I think Sword Demon City is not far from disbanding."

Leng Ye smiled, and said: "How can the crime of destroying the country be placed on women! I just don't believe in this evil." Then he walked towards the door, and opened the door amidst Zhu Longquan's shouts up.

What appeared in front of Leng Ye was a tall girl, wearing a sky blue dress, about sixteen or seventeen years old, with an oval face, big eyes, fair and delicate skin, protruding front and back, and a thin waist, just like a dancer.

Among Leng Ye's many women, Bauhinia is the one with the best figure. However, Leng Ye has an indescribable feeling for this girl, and he can't help but want to go up and touch her right away. I saw a scene where he was dancing with his arms around the girl's slender waist, and the next moment he naturally entered the bedroom with the girl in his arms...

Leng Ye secretly scolded himself "dirty", and then saw the girl stopped "acting", covered her mouth, the pair of big eyes under the long eyelashes were blinking, very attractive, and further set off the The girl's innocence and cuteness.It was difficult for Leng Ye to connect this girl with the hot girl who yelled just now, let alone find anything similar to Jindao from her.

Leng Ye and Jin Nanyan, you look at me, I look at you, they just stared at each other for three seconds.

Jin Nanyan's face turned red, and she asked slowly, "Are you Brother Leng?" The voice was very gentle, euphemistic, and pleasant, which Leng Ye enjoyed very much.

"I am Leng Ye." Leng Ye replied with a smile.But I thought in my heart: "If Jin Nanyan is crazy about me as Zhu Longquan said, then the next moment, she should immediately throw herself on me, wrap her arms around my neck, and then give me a tender kiss , then I can take this opportunity to feel her breasts, put my arms around her slender waist, and touch her butt..." It is undeniable that Leng Ye's first impression of Jin Nanyan was quite good.

(End of this chapter)

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