Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 479 The Mysterious Lazy Sword

Chapter 479 The Mysterious Lazy Sword (2) ([-])
"Then... I... I just passed by here and saw a girl yelling. I thought she was looking for Zhu Longquan, oh no, I thought she was looking for brother Zhu's bad luck, so I drove her away. As soon as she left, the door opened—" Jin Nanyan said to Leng Ye.From the beginning to the end, her gaze never left Leng Ye's eyes.

Leng Ye didn't expect that this girl's acting skills were not so good, she smiled and said, "You are here to find Brother Zhu, right?"

Jin Nanyan nodded immediately, and said, "Yes, brother Leng, I want brother Zhu to help me build a hidden weapon, but he just refuses. It's fine if you are here today, and you give her an order, just treat it as a help me please?"

Leng Ye smiled and said: "Building hidden weapons is also a good thing! Why would brother Zhu not agree? I have to talk to him carefully."

Jin Nanyan pursed her lips and said hurriedly: "Yes, yes! How can you kill monsters without weapons! The victim is only level [-] now."

Zhu Longquan stood not far behind Leng Ye, and sighed: "It must be murder!"

But Jin Nanyan said: "Brother Zhu, how could you wrong Yan'er! Beating and killing is not what girls should do, don't you think so? Brother Leng!" It contained a girl's full trust and admiration for a man, so that Leng Ye's heart was surging when he heard it, and goose bumps all over his body.

Only then did Leng Ye realize that the two of them were still standing at the door, and hurriedly said, "Yan'er, right? Come in!"

Jin Nanyan smiled and said: "Yes, Brother Leng. My full name is Jin Nanyan, you can also call me Yan'er like them. I am from Suzhou. I am 17 and a half years old this year. I am currently a freshman in the School of Film and Dance of XX University..."

Even if Leng Ye doesn't understand girls' minds, he also knows that when a girl is willing to tell a man these things, it is likely that she has fallen in love with this man, or at least has a good impression of him.Leng Ye began to believe what Zhu Longquan said now, and as for her wanting to hit the hidden weapon like the little golden pigeon, she probably fired it at herself.

Leng Ye motioned for Jin Nanyan to sit down at the small table, smiled, and said: "Not bad! XX University is very famous, and the film and television dance is also very promising. Xiaoyan will definitely become a big star, a big star in the future .”

Jin Nanyan pouted and said, "Yan'er doesn't want to be a star! She only dances out of love, so she can dance for her husband in the future! Brother Leng, don't you know? The entertainment industry is in chaos! I want to be famous Strength alone is not enough, you also need that, that, do you understand what I mean?"

Leng Ye was about to make a statement when he suddenly heard a loud "coax", as violent as a mountain exploding a rock.Then came Zhu Longquan's exclamation: "Oh my god! My Zijin Eight Diagrams Stove!"

Look at Zhu Longquan again, with a gray head and a gray face, like a chimpanzee, without a human appearance.Leng Ye was glad that he sat far away, otherwise he would have ended up like Zhu Longquan.

Zhu Longquan cried and said: "Brother, my words have come true! Let Yan'er go out quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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