Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 495 The Cashew Nut Monkey Wine

Chapter 495 The Cashew Nut Monkey Wine Caused the Trouble (1) ([-])
Looking at Leng Ye again, he followed Shui Rulan into the gang discussion hall of the Women's Elite Association, but found that the poor young man and Shuang'er hadn't come in, and murmured in his heart: "It's broken, she won't mess around!" But , then thought: "This is the gang meeting hall, nothing will happen."

The overall structure of this deliberation hall is similar to that of the Sword Demon God's Palace, only slightly smaller.The biggest difference from the Sword Demon Shrine is that there are several pots of flowers placed on the tables in the hall, all of which are very beautiful, but they are all names that Leng Ye can't name.

Leng Ye and Shui Rulan sat across from each other. In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, Leng Ye pointed to a pot of white flowers in front of him and said, "This potted flower is so beautiful, did the leader of Shui Gang raise it himself?"

Shui Rulan smiled and said, "There are no outsiders here, so just call me Lan Lan."

Leng Ye didn't expect Shui Rulan to regard him as one of his own so quickly, and thought: "This statement is wrong, it's not that there are no outsiders, it's because outsiders can't get in." He smiled and said: "Lan Lan, What's the name of this potted flower?"

Shui Rulan replied: "This potted flower is called Ruolan!"

Leng Ye looked at this potted flower by himself, and found that the leaves are all white and needle-shaped, and the petals are also as white as snow, and the root system is very thin. Unlike other potted plants in the soil, this pot is directly soaked in water .He casually said: "Rulan... Ruolan, this potted flower is really destined to be with the gang, and it is as beautiful as you, the leader of the water gang."

Shui Rulan smiled, and said, "Master Leng is flattering you. I transplanted this potted flower from Tianshan Mountain."

When Leng Ye heard the word "Tianshan", he immediately remembered that there was such a place in the "rejuvenation" given by the old lady, "The air on the top of the mountain is extremely cold, and it is obviously impossible to grow this kind of flower. Could it be near the 'Tianchi' on the mountainside?" Leng Ye was thinking like this, and asked: "I wonder if Shui Gang Master can tell where this potted flower was picked in Tianshan Mountain, and I will go get a pot tomorrow if I have time."

Shui Rulan smiled and said: "I never thought that a big man like Gang Leader Leng would also cherish flowers. This potted flower was picked from the top of the sky. Last time I went to complete a task with my sisters, I happened to see this plant Flowers. It’s really hard to imagine that there is a big pond on the top of the mountain, and this flower grows next to the pond. I think this flower has strong vitality and is not afraid of the severe cold, so I took it back and put it here To encourage everyone. But I was afraid that I would not be able to feed them, so I brought this basin of water from the big pool."

Leng Ye was overjoyed and thought: "This is probably the snowy water in Tianshan Mountain that Qiu Zimei mentioned. Since it does exist, he is not afraid that he will not be able to get it." He said casually: "I wonder if the leader of the Water Sect can tell me the exact location?"

Shui Rulan said: "Since you like this flower so much, Mr. Leng, I will give it to you directly."

Leng Ye hurriedly said: "You don't get rewarded if you don't have merit, you are ashamed to receive it, you are ashamed to receive it."

But Shui Rulan said: "Master Leng, listen to me. Not long after I took this flower out of the pool, the water in the entire pool dried up, even..."

Hearing this, Leng Ye's heart suddenly turned cold, and he was not in the mood to listen to Shui Rulan continue, thinking: "This is also God's will! Is this God helping me? Or is God punishing me?" What kind of gentlemanly demeanor did I show just now, why didn’t I accept it!” Leng Ye really wanted to slap himself in the face now, but in order to complete the task, he was determined to win Tianshan Xueshui. "Why don't you make indirect remarks?" Leng Ye cheekily stretched out his hand and touched the Ruolan flower, and said while touching it: "It's beautiful, it's so's so beautiful..." Wait Zhuo Shui Rulan made another statement.

Shui Rulan smiled and said, "Master Leng really has a good eye, and I like this potted flower very much."

"Why do you think the leaves are so white! The flowers are also white..."

"This is what makes it special. Not only me, but the sisters in the gang will see all their troubles disappear..."


Leng Ye talked with Shui Rulan for a long time, and the more he talked, the more he talked, gradually expressed his love for this flower, and the goal of Leng Ye was getting farther and farther away.

"Damn! Why aren't you on the right track? You don't mean to play me on purpose, right? You don't show some real skills (Reader: I can see that she likes you so much, she's using beauty tricks! Leng Ye: I Leng Ye is so casual People??? I never cheat women’s feelings, but things! It’s hard to say, hehe!) I really can’t deal with you.” Thinking about it, Leng Ye took out a bottle of the world’s rare Cashew monkey water, put it on the table, and said to Shui Rulan: "Lan Lan, what is this?"

As soon as Shui Rulan opened her mouth, she gulped down the drink immediately, and even drank it all in one gulp.

(End of this chapter)

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