Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 496 The Cashew Nut Monkey Wine

Chapter 496 The Cashew Monkey Wine Caused It (1) ([-])
Leng Ye stared blankly, and sighed secretly: "Hey! My mother, she is a female Wu Song! Mine is a priceless treasure, and it hurts me so much. There are only eighteen bottles in total!" He raised his head. Thumbs up, exclaimed: "Good drinker! Lan Lan is really a man of high school girls, admiration!" Then he touched Ruo Lanhua and said: "This flower is so beautiful!"

Then, Shui Rulan said something that shocked Leng Ye: "Master Leng, are there any more?"

Leng Ye wanted to say no, but if she didn't let Shui Rulan drink it, how could she faint, why would she help Ruolan give it to herself, so she became cruel and took out another bottle of cashew nut monkey wine.What surprised Leng Ye was that Shui Rulan drank it down again in one gulp.

Shui Rulan obviously didn't enjoy herself to the fullest, and asked again, "Master Leng, is there any more?"

So, Leng Ye took out another bottle.


In this way, Shui Rulan drank sixteen bottles in one go, and with two bottles left, she caught up with Wu Song.During the period, Leng Ye's hand was pricked by Ruo Lanhua's flower thorns and she didn't care about it, which made Leng Ye feel chills.

Seeing that Shui Rulan wasn't drunk at all, Leng Ye took out a bottle of cashew wine and handed it to her.Unexpectedly, Shui Rulan said as soon as she opened her mouth: "Brother Leng, don't fool me, this is man-made (cashew wine, not monkey wine)."

Sweating in the cold night~~~

Looking at the Ring of Space, there were only the last two bottles left, and Leng Ye took them out at once, thinking: "If you don't drink any more, you will have no chance!" Handing a bottle to Shui Rulan, he said, "Lan Lan, this is it. It's two bottles, I'll drink one with you."

Both of them drank in one gulp.

After drinking a bottle of cashew nut monkey wine, Leng Ye felt a little dizzy and his body began to shake, and then his eyes were dazed. He looked at the water opposite him, which looked like frost for a while, and snow plum for a while. , Like Mercury for a while, Qiu Zimei for a while...

Shui Rulan was obviously not drunk, seeing Leng Ye staggering, she smiled and said, "Master Leng, you'll get drunk after just one bottle, are you still a man?"

When Leng Ye heard the girl on the other side of the table say that he was not a man, she immediately reacted, jumped to the other side of the table, and pushed the girl down on the desk in the meeting hall.

Shui Rulan's screams immediately rang out in the gang meeting hall of the Women's Elite Association: "Master Leng! Master Leng!...What are you doing...don't...don't..." She shouted and pushed desperately Looking at the cold night, there is no intention of half-hearted.But how could her strength push away Leng Ye, who was outnumbered by five bulls!

Shui Rulan's legs were firmly clamped by Leng Ye, almost leaving the ground, while her upper body was pressed onto the table by Leng Ye's strong chest.Fortunately, Shui Rulan has practiced dancing in real life, and the flexibility of her body is praised, otherwise her entire waist would be broken by the edge of the table.

As soon as Leng Ye touched Shui Rulan's body, he heard a system prompt: Player Leng Ye is sexually assaulting you, please choose whether to sue? [-].accuse. [-].Do not sue.

Leng Ye didn't stop because of Shui Rulan's words, but like a sex criminal who escaped from prison, while pressing Shui Rulan's body, he kissed her tender neck recklessly.

Shui Rulan was kissed by Leng Ye on the neck, and said intermittently: "Master Leng...let...let...let me't do this..."

Leng Ye didn't respond, and continued to hydrate Rulan's smooth skin, without being disturbed by Shui Rulan's words at all.Shui Rulan's screams kept ringing in the hall...

Shui Rulan's yelling continued, but because Leng Ye's lips pressed against the skin of her throat from time to time, her voice was intermittent and incoherent.At the same time, her hands kept beating and scratching desperately on Leng Ye's back.

"Leng... Leng... Leng... Guild Leader, if you...don't...stop...stop, I'm really suing."

Leng Ye remained unmoved and acted recklessly.

Suddenly, Leng Ye's two big hands grabbed the skirt of Shui Rulan's chest at the same time, and with a strong pull, Shui Rulan's dress was torn.

Then, Leng Ye went crazy again.Shui Rulan's cry still came from the hall.

Shui Rulan yelled "accuse", but she never complained, she was afraid, she was afraid that Leng Ye would ignore her, and she was even more afraid that Leng Ye would resent her after accusing her.However, she is also a very possessive woman who wants the best of everything, including men of course.

On the other hand, Leng Ye was like a piece of wood from beginning to end, silent, like a mad beast, just blindly using her body to invade Shui Rulan, making Shui Rulan, a contradictory woman even more contradictory.

Seeing Leng Ye's numbness, Shui Rulan suddenly realized that Leng Ye might be drunk.So she hit Leng Ye hard on the back with her fist, hoping to use the pain to awaken Leng Ye.Seeing that Leng Ye didn't respond, she bit Leng Ye's shoulder. At first, she used very little force, but gradually increased the force...until the bite bleeds at the end, Leng Ye remained indifferent, and continued his love for Shui Rulan. violation.


(End of this chapter)

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