Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 521 Making a Row in the Church

Chapter 521 Making a noise in the church (1) ([-])
The lemur king laughed loudly and said, "Why, did you get scared when you heard about the beast?"

Leng Ye also laughed out loud, and said, "TMD, what do you count as a beast, I still use it as a ball to kick a super beast."

The face of the lemur king changed suddenly, and a shiny golden stick appeared in his hand, which looked somewhat similar to a golden cudgel. He shouted "Eat me with a stick", and he jumped more than three meters high. In the air, he made a move of "Mount Tai Suppresses the Top", swung the stick and hit Leng Ye on the head.

Leng Ye's eyes were quick and his feet were quick. With a stray step, he turned his body to the right and avoided the shocking blow.I saw the golden stick in the hand of the Lemur King hit the stone slab on the ground of the hall heavily, and the stone slab immediately split a big crack in the middle. At the same time, the whole hall also shook violently, like an earthquake.

Cold sweat broke out on Leng Ye's hands, and he thought to himself: "If this blow goes on, my life will be over." Thinking this way, he yelled "Stop!"
Seeing that the stick was missed, the Lemur King was already furious in his heart, he was still willing to listen to Leng Ye's words, then he held the big stick tightly in both hands, and swept towards Leng Ye horizontally.

Leng Ye saw that the lemur king's stick was not high or low, if he wanted to jump up, he might not be able to jump over the big stick, and if he wanted to get down, it would be tantamount to admitting defeat to the lemur king.Leng Ye knew that he couldn't lose to the Lemur King in terms of momentum, so he had an idea, grasped the lazy sword tightly, and used a "broken gun style".

As soon as the "broken gun" came out, I saw the lazy sword in Leng Ye's hand drawing a clockwise circle in the air, and finally resisted the sweeping stick, avoiding the horizontal momentum, and lifted the sword in the hand of the Lemur King from bottom to top. The big stick was lifted upwards, so that the big stick just passed the top of Leng Ye's head.The lazy sword in Leng Ye's hand didn't stop at all, and took advantage of the trend to slash down on the Lemur King's body from upper left to lower right.As soon as the lazy sword touched the Lemur King's body, it made a loud "clank", like a knife cutting a boulder.What made Leng Ye depressed was that the Lazy Sword only caused dozens of damage to the Lemur King.

The lemur king was even more annoyed when he missed the hit again, and stabbed at Leng Ye with the big stick in his hand, the speed was so fast that it was hard to guard against.Of course, Leng Ye was not afraid of this kind of straight stab, he strayed all over his body, swayed his body, and avoided it again.

Leng Ye knew that there was no way to kill the lemur king at the moment, so he didn't rush to attack, and stopped quietly to see what other tricks the lemur king had.

One chop, one sweep, one stab, all did not hurt Leng Yeban, the Lemur King scratched his head anxiously, his face was very ugly, his vigor decreased a lot, and he was no longer as majestic as before.

Leng Ye had never seen such a fast speed and such a strong force before, his whole body broke out in cold sweat, secretly admiring the Lemur King three points, Leng Ye knew that if the Lemur King made another move, he probably would not be able to escape up.It took a long time to recover from the panic, relaxed his expression, and said: "The lemur king, the beast is nothing more than that, you can't hurt me with the three shocking moves before. If you are willing to tell me the whereabouts of a person, I can I won't die around you."

(End of this chapter)

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