Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 522 Making a Row in the Church

Chapter 522 Making a noise in the church (2) ([-])
The Lemur King put away his big stick, laughed twice, and said, "Leng Ye, you really didn't disappoint me. You are the number one person in the world who can take on my Lemur King's shocking third list!" One. I admit that your strength is good, your speed is good, and your swordsmanship is not bad. If I guess correctly, you have not grasped the mystery and essence of swordsmanship. Otherwise, your hand would not follow the sword, but It was the sword that followed your hand."

Leng Ye was shocked when he heard the words of the Lemur King, and thought: "I don't know what level of beast the Lemur King is, but he knows my every move like the palm of his hand. "

At this time, the Lemur King said: "Leng Ye, if you want to know who's whereabouts, you might as well tell me."

Leng Ye didn't know what the Lemur King was up to, and thought: "If you can know the whereabouts of Tashisi in advance, it's worth hanging back." He smiled and said, "Are you so kind?"

The face of the lemur king was much calmer now, and he said: "We monkeys are the most dexterous race in the world, and I, the lemur king, respect the most agile people in this life. You are deeply in my heart, as long as you can bear it again." I have three sticks, and I am willing to sell you a favor."

Leng Ye was overjoyed and said, "You mean that as long as I survive under your three sticks, you will tell me the whereabouts of Zhaxisi?"

Leng Ye has been looking into the eyes of the Lemur King, and he clearly found that when he said the word "Zashisi", there was a slight change in the eyes of the Lemur King. Although it was short, there was no change. Escape the eyes of the cold night.

The Lemur King said, "That's right, but I have a condition."

Leng Ye said: "I also have a condition."

The Lemur King said: "Okay, you go first!"

Leng Ye knew that the lemur king would never tell himself Zhaxisi's whereabouts first, so he said to the lemur king: "You must make a heavy oath, otherwise you will kill me directly, and when the time comes, all "Ling Yun" Everyone will know that you killed the world's number one master three times without fighting back, let's see what monkeys think of you."

The Lemur King laughed loudly and said: "Okay, I will make a solemn oath in front of Empress Nuwa, if I can't kill Leng Ye within three blows, I will tell Leng Ye the whereabouts of Zhaxisi, which violates this oath , let me, the Lemur King, be killed immediately."

Leng Ye nodded in satisfaction.

The Lemur King said with a smirk on his face, "Leng Ye, you also make a solemn oath that you must receive my three sticks today, otherwise you will never be reborn forever."

Although Leng Ye didn't know what the lemur king was doing, but in order to know Zhaxisi's whereabouts, he endured it, imitating the appearance of the lemur king, and made a so-called oath in front of Nuwa Empress.For Leng Ye, not finding Zhaxisi's whereabouts is death, so it doesn't matter if this vow is made or not.

As soon as Leng Ye finished making the oath, the Lemur King immediately laughed and said, "Leng Ye, Leng Ye! It is said that you humans are smart, but you were tricked by me, the Lemur King. Can kung fu compare to my supreme lemur king? You are too naive, draw your sword and die!"

(End of this chapter)

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