Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 553 Rescuing Black Slaves

Chapter 553 Rescuing Black Slaves (1) ([-])
Going down with Leng Ye were Shuang'er, Xue'er, Qiu Zimei, and Moyhawa who had just been carried up by the Golden-winged Roc, a total of five people.What surprised the girls was the overloading ability of the Golden Winged Roc. You must know that their mount—the four-winged flying tiger can only carry two people at most, and it is not suitable for long-distance flying, even the beast Qinglong of the Ice Witch. .

Of course, Garuda also expressed strong opposition to Leng Ye's abuse, but she still obediently succumbed to Leng Ye's rhetoric.

The golden-winged roc descended slowly and steadily like an elevator. After a long period of darkness, the eyes of the cold night and the women gradually brightened. Soon, they "landed".

"Peng'er, go up and bring your sisters down!" Leng Ye said.Although the women also have flying pets, those pets are afraid of the dark without exception, and the divine beast Qinglong is no exception.Leng Ye had no choice but to make another trip to the golden-winged roc.

"You promised me that you would let me practice taekwondo with a dead monkey. You can't be foolish!" Peng'er said.

Leng Ye smiled, and said, "When did the boss not count his words?" Seeing the golden-winged roc flying away again, Leng Ye sighed: "Four-eared unicorn! Don't blame the boss for being cruel. Just blame Penger, why did the little girl choose you to practice her hand!"

At this moment, if the four-eared unicorn can freely enter and exit the pet space like the golden-winged roc, it will definitely come out to argue with Leng Ye, and if it has enough wisdom, it may even threaten Leng Ye.However, if he really has the ability to penetrate the sky and reach the earth, is Leng Ye willing to let the golden-winged roc bully it?
"Shuang'er, the three of you are waiting here, I will take Moyhawa out to have a look first." Leng Ye said to the three women.

"Male chauvinism, if you are in danger, you go alone, it's really meaningless!" Shuang'er said softly, although on the surface it was an accusation against Leng Ye, but the happiness and joy were beyond words, and Leng Ye benefited endlessly .

The place where Leng Ye and the others landed was a cave. The cave was not big. Under the leadership of Moy Hawa, Leng Ye quickly walked out of the cave entrance.

Once out of the cave, there are three corridors in front of Leng Ye, from left to right, one wider than the other.The one on the far left can only accommodate two people abreast, while the one on the far right can accommodate a truck.Leng Ye also noticed that the two corridors on the left and in the middle are relatively short, and you can forget them at a glance. There is a small door at the end of these two corridors.

"Young Xia Leng, the one on the left is where our sisters are imprisoned, the one in the middle is where the people who guard and punish us live, the one on the right is big, I heard that there is a nine-headed lion, very fierce, we dare not approach it! ’ said Moihawa.

After listening to Moy Hawa's words, Leng Ye felt that she was getting more and more mysterious, and thought: "How does a black girl who is imprisoned know such details, and she can go in and out freely? Who is the 'we' she is talking about? Are the imprisoned black girls still free?" Leng Ye was full of doubts, but he didn't say it out, wanting to see what Moy Hawa was up to.

Seeing Leng Ye's silence, Moyhawa asked again: "Young Xia Leng, which way should we advance?"

It was only then that Leng Ye realized that he had encountered a new mission, probably to rescue these imprisoned girls, and if he was lucky, Zhaxisi might be inside.At this time, Leng Ye was not in a hurry to find Tashisi, pointing to the corridor in the middle, and said to Moyhawa: "Lead the way!"

After entering the small door at the end of the corridor in the middle, two corridors appeared in front of Leng Ye.

"Young Xia Leng, the one on the left is the guard room, and the one on the right is the punishment room, which one should we go?" Moyhawa said.

Leng Ye thought: "Let's kill the guard first." So he walked into the corridor on the left.

The light in the corridor was very dark, and once Leng Ye entered, he felt eerie, with a strong murderous aura.There are countless small doors on the wall of the corridor, and Leng Ye just kicked the one in front of him.

With a loud "bang", the small door was kicked open by Leng Ye, and two burly men (lemurs) with long hairs appeared in front of Leng Ye.

Leng Ye deeply understands that his purpose is to destroy all the guards here, so he draws out his lazy sword and uses Mi Zongbu to attack the hairy monkey on the right with a "Broken Sword Style".Leng Ye had sharp eyes and quick hands, and before the monkey could react, he stabbed the lazy sword deeply into its throat.Seeing that the blow was hit, Leng Ye didn't stop at all, quickly pulled out the lazy sword, and aimed at the hairy monkey on the left and performed a "broken sword style", the lazy sword pierced into its left chest without deviation or obliquely. , Then, I heard the sound of the weapon in the hairy monkey's hand falling to the ground.Then the two hairy monkeys fell to the ground one after another, each bursting out a garbage weapon.Leng Ye turned around and walked out.

It took Leng Ye less than [-] seconds from entering the door to leaving the door. The speed was so fast that Moi Hawa was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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