Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 554 Rescuing the Black Slaves

Chapter 554 Rescuing the Black Slaves (1) ([-])
Leng Ye didn't stop at all, and then kicked open the second small door.

Perhaps the movement before Leng Ye had already alarmed the other guards in the corridor. Just as he kicked open the second door, he saw two lemurs inside holding a long gun and a short knife in their hands and preparing to come out.Calm and calm, Leng Ye threw the lazy sword at the man with the gun, and used a "flying sword technique".The lazy sword pierced the lemur's eye without deflection, and then flew back into Leng Ye's hand.

At this time, the lemur holding a short knife had already rushed in front of Leng Ye, slashing at Leng Ye.Leng Ye looked at the bloated appearance of the lemur holding the dagger, and didn't use the lost step, but took a quick step back and easily dodged his knife.When the lemur saw that the knife missed, he was furious, grabbed the short knife in both hands and slashed at Leng Ye from the upper left to the lower right.Leng Ye took his time and resorted to the "broken knife style".I saw that the lazy sword in Leng Ye's hand was moving very fast, and the blade touched the blade of the short knife, sticking to the blade and slashing towards the lemur's hand.I saw the dagger in the lemur's hand fell to the ground, and then looked at the eight fingers of both hands (the two thumbs were fine), all of which were broken, and blood immediately flowed out.

Leng Ye didn't make trouble with the "disabled person", turned around and walked out.

At this time, the corridor that only accommodated three people was already crowded with all kinds of lemurs, there were eight hundred if not one thousand, some with knives, swords, guns, bows and arrows, and staffs. .Leng Ye knew that these people should have come out of their respective rooms after hearing the fighting just now.

Leng Ye looked at the so-called lemur guards in front of him, each eating fatter than the other, and sneered, thinking: "Will so many 'people' be needed to guard more than 2000 weak women? But, look at their It looks like they are probably the masters who go to bed when they are full, and they are not that bad." Taking advantage of the tunnel, Leng Ye is confident that he can kill them without any effort.

Before Leng Ye could make a move, the two frontmost lemur knights with a knife in one hand and a shield in the other attacked Leng Ye.Leng Ye quickly used a "flying sword technique" and stabbed one of the lemur knights in the leg.When the lazy sword was back in his hand, he turned to the back of another knight with a stray step. The lazy sword drew a circle in the air, and saw that the lemur knight's waist was cut off.

Seeing that Leng Ye eliminated the two lemur knights in the blink of an eye, the lemurs behind were also frightened and trembling.The few in front all knelt down to Leng Ye together.

Leng Ye suddenly realized something at this moment: Although the lemurs here are the same as the ones outside, they can't speak, but they are much smarter than the ones outside.

Regardless of these, Leng Ye shouted loudly in the tunnel: "Those who surrender will not be killed, and return to their respective rooms! Otherwise, the two of them will be your role models." What surprised Leng Ye was that these dumb lemurs Can understand what he said, many even threw away their weapons.But they did not escape the fate of being killed.Of course it wasn't Leng Ye who did it, but the lemurs around them.

(End of this chapter)

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