Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 577 Rescuing Black Slaves

Chapter 577 Rescuing Black Slaves (1) ([-])
This photo really worked, I saw Qianmianhu slowly opened his eyes, shot a fierce look, staring at Qiu Zimei, scared her to take two steps back, but the black light from the mirror never left Qianmianhu. body of.At the same time, the red letters -[-], -[-]...-[-] kept floating on the thousand-faced fox's body, but it didn't seem to be in any pain.

"Despicable human, trying to hurt my eyes with a beauty mirror, it's ridiculous, really ridiculous! Since you care so much about Leng Ye, I'll kill Leng Ye and make you sad!" Thousand-faced fox said.Obviously, Qiu Zimei's damage to it is negligible, and it's like a mantis' arm being a cart, a drop in the bucket!
At this moment, Leng Ye suddenly remembered Peng'er's words: "Boss, let her husband beat him to PP." If he had realized something, he thought to himself: "Since the Lemur King can subdue the thousand-faced fox, he must have it!" Outstanding! Could it be the 'big stick'?" The strength of the lemur queen is obviously higher than that of the thousand-faced fox, and the 'big stick' can torture the lemur queen to death, maybe the thousand-faced fox I can't stand it either. "

Thinking of this, Leng Ye quickly took out "Ruyi Bian" from the Ring of Space, and said silently: "Ruyi Bian, change into a 'big stick', become the 'big stick' of the Lemur King..."

Before Leng Ye finished speaking, the "black mask" issued by Qianmianhu had passed through the bodies of several women and hit his chest.When the pain came, Leng Ye's eyes went dark, and he lost his intuition again.

System prompt: The player Leng Ye was killed by the S-level mythical beast Thousand Faced Fox, and He Shibi brought you back to life.

Resurrected again, Leng Ye endured the pain and looked around, only to find that several women were staring at him, all dumbfounded.

"Xue'er, what's wrong with you?" Leng Ye said with a smile, enduring the pain.

"Honey, are you okay!"

"Honey, haven't you been hit by the black face?"

"Honey, people thought you were dead!"

"Honey, I'm relieved that you're not dead!"


The girls threw themselves on Leng Ye's body one by one, and even started to cry, surrounding him tightly.

"Haha! I have already practiced to the highest level of rebirth of the phoenix - infinite rebirth, so how could something happen to me!" Leng Ye said with a smile.

"Husband, is it true?"

"Husband, people thought you were joking with the lemur queen! I didn't expect you to really know it!"

"Honey, then you really have an immortal body!"


"Honey, will you be in pain when you are resurrected?"

This time it was Qiu Zimei who said it last time, and she was talking about Leng Ye's heart.With He Shibi, Leng Ye is not afraid of death. If he still has a little concern, it is that the pain after consecutive resurrections is superimposed, and it is scary to think about it.

Look at the thousand-faced fox, lying on the ground in pain, and transformed into a human form again (into the appearance of Moyhawa), and then look at the girls, all blushing, with their backs to the thousand-faced fox, I dare not look any further.

At this time, Leng Ye suddenly remembered the all-pervasive entrustment: "Master, you have many adventures, so I will give you this mini camera, remember to take pictures of the wonderful ones! going down!"

Leng Ye flipped through the Ring of Space, and took out a video camera the size of an MP[-] from inside, smiled, and took a picture of the thousand-faced fox...

...Afterwards, it changed into the appearance of a little fox for a while, and the appearance of Moi Hawa for a while, obviously it has been screwed to death...

"No more! No more! Young Xia Leng, please forgive me..." Qianmianhu began to beg for mercy from Leng Ye.

Hearing Qianmianhu's words, the girls turned around to look at Leng Ye at the same time, they were startled at first, then smiled again.

"Shuang'er, Xue' don't even believe me? I'm not interested in this kind of coquettish fox!" Leng Ye said pretending to be angry.

"(^^_^^^) hee hee..., husband, (^^_^^*) hee hee..."

The girls smiled one after another, and Shuang'er and Qiu Zimei came up and gave Leng Ye a sweet kiss, which made the fake smile on Leng Ye's face disappear.

"If Shuang'er and the others are begging me like this, I have two choices: one is to spare them, and the other is to make me more and more excited, haha! But you, Qianmianhu begging me like this, I don't need to pity you I can’t get any more excited!” Leng Ye thought in his heart, came to Qianmianhu, and said, “Now can you tell me where those black girls outside were sold?”

"I... I don't know?" Qianmianhu said in a very painful voice.

Leng Ye smiled and said, "Then you can enjoy it here! Zimei, Shuang'er, let's go to the secret hole on the bed."

Hearing that Leng Ye was leaving, Qian Mian Hu hurriedly said: "Don't...don't—"

(End of this chapter)

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