Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 578 Rescuing Black Slaves

Chapter 578 Rescuing the Black Slaves (1) ([-])
"Then you are willing to say it?" Leng Ye turned around and asked.

"Pull it out first..." Qianmianhu glanced at Ruyi's transformed "big stick" and said.

Leng Ye smiled and muttered something, and then saw "Ruyi Bian" turned into a sword and returned to his hand.

Shuang'er saw that Leng Ye had really let Qianmianhu go, and hurriedly said: "Honey, aren't you afraid that it will run away if you let it go?"

Leng Ye smiled, pointed to the sword in his hand and said, "I think this thing is faster than a Scud missile, ask if it dares to run?"

Qianmianhu became much more energetic soon, and came to Leng Ye, and said, "Young Xia Leng, I will tell you where the black slaves are sold. Can you guarantee that they will not kill me?" Qianmianhu said He pointed at Shuang'er and the others.

Leng Ye looked at Qianmianhu's blood volume, it was almost bottoming out, as long as Qiu Zimei's beauty mirror shined on it for a while, it would die immediately.

"I didn't expect you to have the courage to negotiate terms with me at this time, okay, I promise they won't hurt your life." Leng Ye said to Qianmianhu.

"Thank you Leng Shaoxia! In another 200 years, a ship from 'New York Harbor' will come here to trade these girls with me. As for where they go after they arrive in 'New York Harbor', I don't know Got it." Thousand Faced Fox said. (These are all random fabrications by lazy people, not following history)

Hearing Qianmianhu's words, Leng Ye said angrily: "Slave trade? Despicable! Shameless!!"

The girls were terrified when they saw Leng Ye's angry appearance, and none of them dared to say anything.After a while, Shuang'er came over and said, "Honey, calm down first, this is a game, don't take it too seriously."

Leng Ye sighed, and said: "I'm not angry with the game designer, nor angry with the slave trade in the game, but these reminded me of a great crime in history! People live in this world, You can do anything bad, just don't hurt others!"

"Husband, you are feeling emotional again. As long as there are conflicts of interests in this society, no matter whether it is humans or other animals, there will be competition of the same kind. This is inevitable. Darwin said well, survival of the fittest, elimination of the unsuitable .If there is no competition among humans, they will be replaced by other races one day." Shuang'er said eloquently.

Leng Ye nodded, and said, "Yes! I was too worried. But I have my own bottom line - never kill anyone in the real world!"

Shuangju immediately stood up and said, "Honey, what if someone dares to hurt me and my sisters?"

Leng Ye hurriedly said: "He dares! If anyone dares to hurt a hair of my good wives, I will cut him to pieces!"

"Honey, you just said you won't kill anyone!"

"Honey, I'm so scared!"

"Husband, you are so kind to us!"


The girls talked in a hurry, each with happy expressions on their faces, they slowly approached Leng Ye, and finally squeezed him in the middle.

Shuang'er, who was lying in Leng Ye's arms, raised her head, blinked her eyes, opened her mouth lightly, and said, "Honey, promise us not to kill anyone at any time, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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