Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 587 Rescuing the Black Slaves

Chapter 587 Rescuing the Black Slaves (2) ([-])
"Hahahaha!" Leng Ye laughed a few times, and said, "That's right, of course it won't work with just a dozen or twenty of us! But you have overlooked one point, you are all women!"

"What's wrong with women? You won't let us sacrifice our hue?" Mercury said jokingly.

With a smirk all over Leng Ye's face, he said: "Then why would I be willing to do so! I mean you are all women, you can give birth!"

As soon as Leng Ye said this, he immediately attracted punches and kicks from several women, laughing and cursing!Seeing how the girls blushed, Leng Ye felt an indescribable happiness in his heart!
Suddenly, Leng Ye heard Qiu Zimei counting her fingers and muttering something: "...22, 33, 44..."

"Zimei, what's 33, 44?" Leng Ye asked.

Qiu Zimei immediately replied: "Husband, how many people do you think it takes to kill nine lions? I did the math just now. If our eleven sisters give birth to a child every year, then we can give you a child in 100 years." [-] children. If twins are born every year, [-] children can be born. If triplets, [-] children..."

After listening to Qiu Zimei's words, the girls laughed and rolled forward and backward, especially Shuangju was even more exaggerated, lying on the ground.Even Leng Ye couldn't hold back any longer and burst out laughing.

"Husband, what should we do now? I don't think we can play offline! It's boring here." Martian suggested.

"Don't! We won't be able to see our husband once we get offline, woooooo~~~" Qiu Zimei pretended to cry as she spoke.

As soon as he heard about going offline, a bad idea popped into Leng Ye's mind, he sighed, and said to the girls: "It seems that we are destined to die here!"

"Husband, you must have a way, right?"

"Husband, it's still more comfortable in the Sword Demon Building, I've had enough of staying here!"


"Honey, think about it quickly! As long as you can figure out a way to get out of this ghostly place, I will do whatever you want!"

The last sentence was said by Martian, it seems that she has really stayed here enough.However, this sentence is also a sentence that Leng Ye has been waiting for.He showed a lewd smile and asked, "You really can do whatever you want?"

As soon as Leng Ye said this, the women knew that he was trying to play tricks again, and secretly sympathized with Mercury.They didn't expect Leng Ye to be more aggressive, saying: "As the saying goes, the power of love is great. The SSS level task is so difficult, and the generosity of only Shui'er is not enough, hehe! Hehe!" The girls were helpless , and had no choice but to agree to Leng Ye, and boarded his "thief ship" together.

And Leng Ye's condition was to sleep with the eleven girls in a big quilt in the near future. Although they were opposed by a few people, they were all photographed by Leng Ye's "desire" and had to obey the majority.

(End of this chapter)

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