Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 588 Rescuing the Black Slaves

Chapter 588 Rescuing the Black Slaves (3) ([-])
The plot succeeded, and Leng Ye told the women about the secret passage under the bed leading to the outside, and they all looked angry when they heard this, as if they were being tricked.But who is Leng Ye, how can the girls pretend to be angry to hide it from his eyes, say a few good words, and make the girls happy with a few words.

"Wife, even though this is a game, I think these imprisoned black girls should be released. What's your opinion?" Leng Ye asked.

"Honey, we're all at your disposal!" Shuang'er said.The other women also agreed.

In this way, Leng Ye and several women rescued all the [-] black girls who were detained.The moment they sent the last girl out of the cave, Leng Ye heard the prompt from the system.

System prompt: The player Leng Ye completes the task of rescuing the slaves, the reward is [-] prestige, the prestige is [-], and the level is increased by three levels.

Leng Ye looked at the girls, all of them looked elated, obviously they had received such a reward, and after asking Shuang'er, they found out that they had all been promoted to level [-], and she was very envious.

"Honey, do we want to kill nine lions?" Qiu Zimei, who has been promoted to level [-], asked happily while holding the beauty mirror in her hand.

Leng Ye shook his head and said: "One must be self-aware, and don't force things that are not due to ability. Come back and kill when you have a chance in the future! Let's go back to Sword Demon City!"

As soon as the girls heard that they were going back, they all cheered and smashed the scroll of returning to the city together.

(End of this chapter)

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