Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 589 The Devil Comes

Chapter 589 The Devil Comes (1)
Sword Demon Building, in Leng Ye's bedroom, several women were lying on the bed in disheveled clothes, looking very tired, talking in a low voice, and fell asleep unconsciously.Only Leng Ye and Shuang'er were chatting happily on the sofa outside.

Look at Leng Ye's hand again, holding the piece of jade "robbed" from Qianmianhu, fondly playing with it, it seems that he still wants to finish it.

"Honey, you should keep this black jade pendant! It's not safe to put it on me!" Shuang'er said while holding the black jade pendant she just took from Leng Ye's hand.

"Silly Shuang'er, why would you take back what my husband gave you!" Leng Ye sighed, and said again: "If you hadn't given this piece of jade to me in time, I would have died long ago." It’s under Thousand Faces Returning Heart’. I just borrowed it at that time, and my husband won’t steal your things.”

"Honey, I will keep this piece of jade pendant until you find the other five pieces!" Shuang'er vowed.As he spoke, he laid his head on Leng Ye's lap.

"Complete the task of the Seven Fairies to reward a piece of purple, kill the golden chicken and get a piece of yellow independently, get a piece of black from Dex, this time I got another piece of yellow, a total of four pieces, and another five pieces You can dominate "Lingyun" for just one block, haha!" Leng Ye said to himself.

Suddenly, Shuang'er said: "Honey, the way you looked just now is so scary! You look like a devil. I hope you will always be like this now, and don't try to dominate anything. In the novels, there is no one who dominates the martial arts world or the world." Good luck."

Leng Ye looked at Shuang'er with a very serious look, he smiled and said, "Good Shuang'er, how can my husband be a devil! Even if he is a devil, he is just a pervert, a big boss who bullies Shuang'er." A pervert!" Saying that, Leng Ye's hands dishonestly stretched in from Shuang'er's neckline, and touched the towering soft pair of Shuang'er's chest...

Just then, Leng Ye's pager rang.

The private room of the Sword Demon Shrine is equivalent to a small heterogeneous space, and it is forbidden to communicate with the outside unless prior permission is obtained from the owner of the room.Take Leng Ye as an example, when he is in the room, the only ones who can call him are his wife, the down-and-out son, and Jin Dao, other than that, no one else can call him in.

"It seems that Jingu's intelligence system is doing well. Some people know about our secret return. It seems that we need to give them some bonuses this month." Leng Ye looked at the pager while talking to Shuang'er.

Seeing the first name on the pager, Leng Ye exclaimed: "How could it be her?"

"Honey, who is it?" Shuang'er asked.

"Jin Nanyan! How could he call my room! Isn't this invading other people's privacy? Fortunately, I didn't do anything to you..." Leng Ye complained.

"Hey! Husband, have you forgotten? I designed the Sword Demon Building. In a sense, I am the owner of every room here, so..."

"So you gave Jin Nanyan the privilege?"

"Is this also convenient for you to communicate?"


"Husband, I found that you are getting stronger and stronger. Especially after you fell into a coma, our sisters couldn't bear it anymore, and we urgently need someone to support you! Sister Yan'er told me that she has long wanted to commit herself to you."

"It turns out that you guys have colluded, and I've become a thief!" Leng Ye said angrily.However, he also has a good impression of Jin Nanyan. Although it is not love at first sight, it is almost the same.However, Jin Nanyan is a famous broom star!Leng Ye has seen her power before, for the sake of the entire Sword Demon Palace, he just has to endure it.

"Husband! Don't be angry! Are you still worried that sister Yan'er is a bastard? You are a man! How can you believe that!" Shuang'er said.

"How can I not believe it! I just saw her for a while, and there was news that the six major guilds attacked the Sword Demon God's Palace. This is a major event that affects hundreds of thousands of people in the God Palace. Can you be so rash?" Leng Ye said.

"Didn't that happen later? Fortunately, Sister Yan'er woke me up! Just like the dream you mentioned, Sister Yan'er not only has no faults, but has merit! Besides, you promised Brother Jin to take care of Yan'er." This way, he can manage the work of the Sword Demon God Palace with peace of mind!" Shuang'er said.


"Husband, don't be so bad, you can live without Big Brother Jin, but the Sword Demon Palace can't do without Marshal Jin!"

"Then you can't sacrifice your hue! What if..."

"There's no chance, it's a deal, I'll enter the bridal chamber tonight."


"The protest is invalid! Sister Yan'er is here."

Sweating in the cold night~~~

(End of this chapter)

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