Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 600 The mysterious water like blue

Chapter 600 The mysterious water like blue (4)
Later, the Sword Demon God Palace you founded became the largest gang in China overnight, and then the first resident in the whole server appeared, which further proves that I have a good vision.The only downside is that I started too late.

Brother Leng, I also asked someone to investigate you, and I know that you have no power or power in reality, but I don't care about these.Because I have all these things, and I am destined to be yours, so these things are naturally yours too!do you know?My dad is rich and powerful!And he only has one daughter like me!

Brother Leng, since I know your details, based on your influence in the game, others will definitely investigate you.Of course I understand this, so whether in reality or in the game, I will help you.Do you know how many enemies I've fought off for you?Just because of protecting you, more than a dozen top masters in the Fulong Society (a famous big gang in the real world) died!But I don't care if they live or die!As long as Brother Leng is okay, I'm relieved.

Take for example some time ago, you went to Japan alone to make trouble, and when you came back, you forced them to kill each other, why don't you let them resent you.You should remember how cruel Little Japan was in the Anti-Japanese War movies. If our common people kill a devil, they often have to pay back ten times or twenty times.So, some time ago, I was really worried, very worried.I also know that just worrying is not enough, so on the one hand, I have increased manpower to protect you, and on the other hand, I have bought killers to go to Japan to assassinate Shenwu Rokuro.Although it failed, it is good to scare them and let them know that the Chinese are not easy to mess with.

You should remember Tojo Onhime, the number one master in Japan, right?If I'm not wrong, you should ask Ouyang Shuangshuang (Shuang'er's real name) to investigate her, right?If I'm not wrong, Ouyang Shuangshuang hasn't given you any feedback about her so far!Brother Leng, let me answer you now.Tojo Yin Ji's real name is Zhang Jingru. She used to be Chinese. She worked as an assistant to the chairman of the Ouyang Group for a while. Later, she leaked the group's internal business secrets to the Japanese, causing Ouyang Group a lot of losses.What's even worse is that she willingly became Fujiwara56's underground lover.Ouyang Shuangshuang probably didn't know what kind of relationship you had with Tojo Yin Ji, so she didn't tell you about it!However, it doesn't matter now, because I have already found someone to kill her.Brother Leng, don't blame me for being cruel, I will never allow a person who is willing to become a lackey of the Japanese to approach you.

Brother Leng, you should still remember that just last month, the six major gangs were going to attack the Sword Demon God Palace, right?In fact, their actions are very secretive. I secretly found someone to tell the Lost Young Master and Jindao them.You must be wondering why they canceled the plan later?It was also because I found someone to provoke their relationship and make them fight.You must still think that the broom star Jin Nanyan is to blame! O(∩_∩)Ohaha~!
(End of this chapter)

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