Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 601 The mysterious water like blue

Chapter 601 The mysterious water like blue (5)
Brother Leng, you must be wondering why I have such a great ability?To tell you the truth, my dad is the boss of the Fulong Society, and as his most beloved daughter, I naturally have to be as wind and rain as possible.At first my father was very dissatisfied with you, not because of your flirtatious, but because you came from too poor a background, you know, I will be his successor in the future.Then my husband must also have outstanding abilities.Later, when your Sword Demon God Palace grew up, he affirmed that you were capable, so whenever I asked him for a request, he would agree without hesitation.So, in reality, I can send as many people as I want to help you.

Brother Leng, you must be wondering why I, the daughter of the Fulong Society, only set up a small gang with less than 2 people, right?You must be wondering why all the gang members are women!Let me tell you, the players in the guild are not high-level, not strong, and don't even have any decent equipment, and most of them are vases, but they have super fighting power, do you know why?Because their husbands and boyfriends are all talkative people in the major gangs in China.As long as they don't sleep with their husbands for three to five nights, most of those men will be obedient.

You must be wondering why they all listen to me, right?Let me tell you, they are all members of Fulong Entertainment Club (a star-rated club integrating beauty and entertainment in reality), you should know this world's largest conference, right?If you don't know, you can ask your good Shuang'er!How many women do not love beauty?I just need to give each of them a membership card, and they will obediently listen to me.Did you know that that kind of card is worth 100 million real coins each!
Brother Leng, for you, I think everything I do is worth it.I will not be like other silly women, let alone say something like "I am happy as long as you live happy".When I think the time is right, I will tell you everything I have done for you, and I want to prove to you that I like you and I love you.At that time, everything I have done for you will become a threat to you!Brother Leng, you won't blame me, will you?
Brother Leng, do you know?I am very jealous of Shuang'er, jealous of you loving her so much, if one day you can love me as much as you love her.I have always wanted to find some flaws in Shuang'er, but I found that she doesn't even have any flaws, especially in her feelings for you.I know that in your eyes she is everything to you, don't worry, I won't hurt her, if I hurt her, I know you will never like me.

Brother Leng, I used to really hate half-hearted men, but now, for you and for myself, I am willing to try to share with others.

I can see that Shuang'er and the others don't seem to like me, it's because I'm from a gangster, they know my identity, I'm afraid I'll pull you in one day!
Brother Leng, don't worry!For you, I am willing to give up everything, including my life of course.

(End of this chapter)

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