Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 602 The mysterious water like blue

Chapter 602 The mysterious water like blue (6)
Brother Leng, I dared to say these things to you only when I saw you fell asleep. Don't laugh at me in your dreams!

Brother Leng, I'm angry that you didn't come to see me for so long after you treated me like that last time, that's why you issued a warrant in China. Anyone who kills you will get a reward of [-] million.I know that they cannot kill you, because I believe in your strength.I did this just for you to come back and see me as soon as possible, understand?
Just now, Ru Lan was only angry for a while and used seven deadly knives on you, why didn't you dodge?I know that your Dugu Nine Swords will definitely be able to withstand it.Do you already have Rulan in your heart?
Hearing Shui Rulan's words, Leng Ye felt an indescribable emotion in his heart: "To get such a woman, I have no regrets in this life!" Immediately, she vowed to treat this woman, this infatuated woman well.But he didn't open his eyes right away, he wanted to bury Ru Lan's words in his heart forever, and he wouldn't let Ru Lan know that he had actually heard his words, and he wouldn't tell anyone!
Leng Ye lay quietly on the bed, feeling an indescribable sense of happiness, allowing Shui Rulan to act recklessly on him!
(End of this chapter)

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