Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 702 The Fairy Garden 1

Chapter 702 Elf Garden 31 ([-])
"O(∩_∩)Ohaha~" Nine-tailed Spirit Snake laughed loudly and said, "You are my confidant, how can I let you die for nothing! How about this, I will teach you Spirit Snake sword righteousness first , although you can't kill the second child, but it can quickly improve your strength."

As soon as the Nine-Tailed Spirit Snake finished speaking, all its nine tails stood up, and streaks of golden light emitted from the tail rings, shining on Leng Ye's body.Immediately, Leng Ye's whole body was bathed in golden light, looking a bit like the Tathagata Buddha in "Journey to the West".

Gradually, the golden light disappeared, and Leng Ye also heard the system's prompt.

System prompt: Congratulations to player Leng Ye for acquiring the god-level skill Spirit Snake Sword Righteousness. The system rewards [-] prestige and [-] prestige.

Leng Ye is used to the system's prompts, but not many skills have been learned from such prompts. After being surprised, he opened the attribute and saw this so-called spirit snake sword.

Spirit Snake Swordsmanship: God-level passive skill, [-] levels in total, current level [-], sword frequency [-].Evolved from the Nine-Tailed Spirit Snake's skill Spirit Snake Rattle, every time the sword is drawn, the blade will vibrate with a thousandth of a millimeter offset within a thousandth of a millisecond when it touches the target, and the number of vibrations It is equal to the frequency of the sword, thus causing damage to the target that is multiplied by the frequency of the sword. (For example, assuming Leng Ye and Lazy Sword have a total of [-] attacks, if the sword frequency is [-], then Leng Ye's Lazy Sword will deviate [-] time after it hits the target, so that Leng Ye will deal twice as much damage to the target damage, totaling [-]; if the sword frequency is [-], then Leng Ye's lazy sword will deviate [-] times after hitting the target, so Leng Ye will cause [-] times the damage to the target. And so on.)
Seeing such a perverted skill, Leng Ye was ecstatic and carried himself away. He never thought that a mere mid-level divine beast, Nine-Tailed Spirit Snake, could teach him such a skill.

"The frequency of the sword is [-], now it is double the attack, and the frequency of the sword is [-] in the future, then every shot will be [-] times the attack, you can't feel bad! This is clearly the enhanced version of the fatal blow! There is a probability, and the probability of the spirit snake sword is [-] (percentage sign). So what a thousandth of a millisecond is simply negligible, as for the shift of a thousandth of a millimeter, I am afraid that I have also noticed it myself Don't come out!" Leng Ye's mind was spinning quickly, and he still didn't forget to thank the Nine-tailed Spirit Snake: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for teaching me the sword spirit of the Spirit Snake, and I will kill the second child right now, to avenge you, Your Majesty."

"Slow! With your current strength, you are still not the opponent of the second child. You have to step up your practice. You can only compete with the second child when you reach level [-], and the Spirit Snake Sword Art has passed the seventh level." Nine-tailed Spirit Snake stopped Leng Ye and said.

"My lord, I can go there and kill the elf one-tailed fox and the elf two-tailed fox first, and finally kill the three spirit fox guards, won't it save trouble then?"

"With your current strength, it's still a bit difficult to kill the three spirit fox guards alone. Moreover, once you kill the three spirit fox guards, you will directly face the second child of the nine-tailed spirit fox!"

(End of this chapter)

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