Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 703 The Fairy Garden 1

Chapter 703 Elf Garden 32 ([-])
"Boss, is it because I can't kill the second child, the system, oh no, it's Empress Nuwa who will make me drop level [-]?"

"That's right, if you can't kill it within two hours, you will lose level [-], and the experience you gained from challenging those guards will also disappear."

"So I will definitely die as soon as I meet my second child? Is there any good way? Your Majesty is brilliant, handsome, heroic, heroic, and intelligent. He has defeated countless snake plants and overwhelmed countless snake flowers. There is a way, right? I am your confidant, if you die in the hands of the second child, it will damage your reputation if it gets out!"

"That's right! Then I'll tell you the way to save it: If you can't beat the second child and want to keep the level you have obtained, you only need to agree to do one thing for the second child. If you can beat the second child within two hours Done, so you can avoid this catastrophe without anyone noticing. You must keep this secret."

"My lord, I will. If I meet the third and fourth sons, is there the same way?"

"Yes, this is the unified rule of Empress Nuwa back then, and only the four of us know about it. If I didn't see you as my confidant, I wouldn't have told you."

When Leng Ye heard the words "Unified Regulations", he was overjoyed. He knew that most of the Nine-Tailed Spirit Snakes had such a similar "rules", at least he didn't need to be downgraded.

"It must be completed within two hours? It is obviously impossible to recruit or defeat the second, third, and fourth children in such a short period of time. Be sure to ask the Nine-tailed Spirit Snake what else is unfinished." No wish." Leng Ye muttered in his heart, smiled, and said to the Nine-Tailed Spirit Snake: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for telling me these secrets. I will definitely keep the secrets, and I will not tell them even if I am killed. My loyalty to the King can be learned from the sun. , Your Majesty tells me to kill, but I will never set fire. My Majesty tells me to set fire to me, but I will never kill anyone. It is my honor to serve His Majesty. You have been here for a long time, Your Majesty. You must be bored, right? If you want to eat or drink anything, go ahead Command, I will go through fire and water in the cold night and never hesitate!"

"All right! All right! I know you are loyal. Now that you said it, I really remembered one thing I want you to do."

"Your Majesty, follow orders!"

"I haven't been close to a woman for a long time, you go and help me find a crush..."

Listening to it in the cold night, I will faint~~~

"Why, is it difficult to keep saying to help the king?" Nine-tailed Spirit Snake saw Leng Ye's gloomy face and asked.

"No... no, I'm asking what kind of girl the king likes!" Leng Ye hurriedly said.

"You are very thoughtful. You are indeed my confidant. I just blamed you by mistake. Don't take it to heart. My lord, I like a good figure. The appearance is second. The most important thing is that the figure must be good. As long as you can help me Good job, my lord will reward you a lot!" said the Nine-Tailed Spirit Snake.

(End of this chapter)

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