Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 704 The Fairy Garden 1

Chapter 704 Elf Garden 33 ([-])
"Your Majesty, don't worry, this matter is on my shoulders!" Leng Ye said.Then he began to think in his heart: "The Nine-Tailed Spirit Snake is a monster, so what it likes should also be monsters, and it cannot be the player's, otherwise the game designer will definitely be scolded to death. She has become a human form now, so she must go Find human-shaped monsters or snakes to deal with it. There are few human-shaped monsters in the game, and they have to be in good shape, isn't that embarrassing me?"

At this moment, Leng Ye suddenly heard a crashing sound. Hearing the sound, he looked over and saw Snow White coming out of the flowers, with petals still on her head.

Not only Leng Ye, but the Nine-Tailed Spirit Snake obviously also saw Snow White, its eyes were wide open, the eyeballs were about to fall out, and there was still a smack in its mouth.

"Snow White is so pure and pure, how can I make the Nine-Tailed Spirit Snake XX! Otherwise, I will break my promise to the seven dwarfs." Leng Ye pulled out his lazy sword, and just as he was about to call Snow White back, he saw the Nine-Tailed Spirit Snake turned its head away. I, and then heard him say: "Leng Ye, this king wants this woman, it suits my taste!"

Leng Ye hesitated for a while, at this moment, he heard the sound of "crawling" again, heard the sound and looked around, he saw the ice silkworm came out from the flowers and grass, and the place where it came out was the elf before. The direction in which the eight-tailed yellow snake is escaping.

"Could it be that the elf eight-tailed yellow snake was killed by the ice silkworm?" Leng Ye thought, smiling.The ice silkworm probably came out at this moment because it heard the words of the Nine-Tailed Spirit Snake, and couldn't bear to let Snow White fall into the clutches of the devil, and became a flower protector.

"Leng Ye, didn't you hear my king's words?" Nine-tailed Spirit Snake said angrily in a hurry.

"Listen... I heard it! Great... Your Majesty, I don't want to go, it's for your own sake!" Leng Ye said and looked in the direction of Snow White.Once upon a time, the ice silkworm had stood in front of Snow White.

"For my sake? Is it for my sake not to stop my majesty's order?" Nine-tailed Spirit Snake became even more angry when he saw Leng Ye's unhurriedness.

"Yes, my lord! Your lord, you will soon be the king of the entire Elf Lake, and then you will be the king of the Three Palaces and Six Courtyards, with beauties like clouds. Look at that little girl again, she is so skinny, how can she stand up to you, my lord? The torment of a huge monster. It doesn’t matter if she dies, but your reputation will be wiped out, my lord. No girl dares to follow you. At that time, even if you can get the entire elf pool, there will be no mermaids and mermaids. A lot of fun is lost. Therefore, in my humble opinion, the king will let her go!" Leng Ye said, at this moment his new jumping speed has accelerated, no less than the moment after the [-] meters passed.

"Then you mean that I can't enjoy it now, my lord?" Nine-tailed Spirit Snake said again.

"My lord, that's not true either. I just need to ask my subordinates to help you find someone who can withstand the toss. That way, you can not only enjoy yourself, lord, but also let her feel how powerful you are, and then let her go. She will publicize your majesty everywhere, and at that time, mermaids and mermaids will rush to your door automatically, I am afraid you will not be able to handle it." Leng Ye said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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