Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 716 The Fairy Garden 2

Chapter 716 Elf Garden II (10)
"Husband, you are really weird. We have never added blood to monsters. Are you trying to make us traitors?" Huo Huo pouted.

"Fourth sister, my husband must have a reason for us to do this, so don't ask, let's start!" Jin Xing said.Then, she and her four younger sisters started the group blood-increasing skill of the Five Elements Formation.

The five-element array's group blood-increasing skill can compete with the super god Little Sun's. These two skills work at the same time, and immediately balance Leng Ye's attack. Make up with Snow White.All of a sudden, with the bang of "clank", Leng Ye was having a great time beating. (Relevant content about healing techniques will be freely introduced later)
After about five or six minutes, Leng Ye clearly remembered that when he cut the 6st sword, the attack of the lazy sword on the "umbrella" of the elf green mushroom increased again.Turning on the attributes, Leng Ye saw that the spirit snake sword has reached level [-], and the lazy sword can stably deal [-] times the damage every time it is shot.

"[-], [-], [-]..." Leng Ye continued to hit the elf green mushroom at a speed of [-]-[-] swords per second, while counting the number of swords, and it continued like this.Lazy Sword seems to be helping Leng Ye on purpose today, the [-] times attack has never appeared, otherwise it would have killed the green elf mushroom all at once.

Time flies, and an hour passed without knowing it. When Leng Ye counted to "[-]", he saw that the red letter floating from the elf green mushroom's body increased, and he hit it a few more times. Only then did I open the attributes and look, sure enough, the spirit snake sword has been upgraded to level [-].

"Husband, it's level [-] so soon! As expected of a god-level skill, even the leveling speed is fast!" Shuang'er said proudly, seeing her smiling face, she was obviously happy for Leng Ye.

"Upgrading skills is fast? No! It should be inversely proportional!" This was Leng Ye's first reaction when he heard Shuang'er's words, his brain was spinning rapidly, and he began to calculate: "Level [-] upgrade to level [-] It doesn’t seem to take much effort at the time. When level [-] is upgraded to level [-], it’s only a few hundred swords. From level [-] to level [-], it’s a thousand swords. One hundred thousand swords? It would take seven hours to strike four times in one second!"

Thinking of this, Leng Ye became depressed.Even if she is allowed to admire beauties for seven or eight hours in a row, it is inevitable that she will experience aesthetic fatigue, not to mention facing monsters like the "unattractive" elf green mushroom!
"You can be a master if you endure hardships. If you raise the level of Spirit Snake Swordsmanship, you will benefit for life. For your wives, and for a better tomorrow, you have to fight!" Leng Ye encouraged himself, He slashed down on the Elven Green Mushroom that had been full of blood, and knocked out its [-] million blood.

Even with six people, two summons, and eight super-powerful "priest teams", Leng Ye knew that the [-] times attack of Spirit Snake Sword is definitely not a vegetarian, and it will definitely not work if it continues like this.He was lost in thought again.

(End of this chapter)

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