Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 717 The Fairy Garden 2

Chapter 717 Elf Garden II (11)
It was not the first time that Shuang'er saw Leng Ye concentrating and thoughtful, so she didn't ask too much. Anyway, with Little Sun and Snow White around, it was enough to resist the damage of the fungal poison, and she was not worried that Leng Ye would die. Left with quintuplet sisters.

"Sister Shuang'er, what kind of good solution do you think my husband can come up with?" Huo Xing asked.

"Silly girl, if I know, I don't need my husband to think about it." Shuang'er replied with a smile.

"That's right, anyway, he's full of fancy ideas, so the idea he came up with must not be very good, it's not something we sisters can guess." Huo Huo said.

"Sister, how can you say that about your husband! Sometimes he is a bit unruly, but at critical moments, he can always make a surprise move and win by surprise. I believe my husband will definitely come up with a good solution." Mercury said.

"The lazy sword's attack is so high, and my husband's spirit snake sword has reached level [-], which can deal [-] times the damage. Even if the one hundredth, one thousandth high damage of the lazy sword does not appear, I think he It can also hit [-] to [-]. Even if we fill up the blood of the elf green mushroom, and add it continuously, at most it is enough for my husband to fight twenty or thirty swords. After the fight, even if the elf green mushroom can’t die , then my husband has to stop for a few minutes, how can he sit still with his character!" Huo Huo said.

"That's true! Every twenty or thirty sword strikes, if you have to make him wait for a few minutes, my husband will definitely think it's a waste of time and will definitely not do it." Mercury echoed.

"Sister Shuang'er, I don't think it's enough to just increase blood. Let's think of a way to make the 'umbrella' of the elf green mushroom stronger! Or make its blood infinitely more Alright!" Firestar said again.

"Unless the fairy green mushroom can transform into a more powerful BOSS!" Mercury sighed.

"No, if the boss is too powerful, my husband will have to hide and fight. He doesn't have such a high defense. Besides, that would be a waste of time. A skill that can be upgraded in one day will become a skill that can be upgraded in ten days or eight days." !” Shuang’er said.

"Sister Shuang'er, what do you think about letting your husband fight mobs? Can you upgrade your skills?" Huo Xing asked again.

"I think my husband must have thought about such a problem, and there must be a reason for him not to do so! We have to trust my husband, he will definitely be able to figure out a way."



While the girls were whispering, looking at Leng Ye again, a smile appeared on his face, obviously, he had another idea.

I saw him lowering his head, looking at the white thin coat on his upper body, and muttering: "If you want to change, change into a wooden sword, into a wooden sword that only has [-] attacks against elf green mushrooms."

As soon as the words fell, the white thin coat on Leng Ye's body turned into a flash of white light and disappeared. At the same time, there was a mahogany sword that was almost exactly the same shape as the lazy sword in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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