Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 720 The Fairy Garden 2

Chapter 720 Elf Garden II (14)
Sing one of Jin Nanyan's songs, and then another one, just like this, one song after another, repeating the consciousness.But every song will have a common deep meaning-contains the feelings between men and women.

During the period, Leng Ye wanted to stop many times, sit down with Jin Nanyan, take in the fresh air together, or walk around to enjoy the beauty of the alternative garden here, but every time he saw Jin Nanyan's engrossed expression, When singing affectionately, for some reason, he would give up any unreasonable thoughts and continue to fight monsters and practice skills, until later, Leng Ye was actually immersed in this special artistic conception of listening to songs and fighting monsters.

Unknowingly, the outside world has passed the alternation of day and night, but the sun is still shining brightly in the elf garden, and the spring is beautiful.Here, it seems that there is only day and no night, maybe this is also a major feature of the elf garden.

Listening to Jin Nanyan's singing, Leng Ye was completely intoxicated, and even forgot the passage of time, still waving the mahogany sword and beating the fairy green mushroom.For a lazy person like Leng Ye, being able to repeat the same boring action for so long has already reached the limit of his life.

Following Leng Ye's beautiful "swinging sword", the mahogany sword "chi chi" crossed the "canopy" of the elf green mushroom, and a red word "-24" floated up.Suddenly, Leng Ye found that Jin Nanyan's singing had stopped, and then heard the little girl's voice: "Brother Leng, it's been [-] hours, you should take a rest!"

Leng Ye intuitively felt that Jin Nanyan's voice was euphemistic and sweet, gentle and pleasant, like a virtuous little daughter-in-law, and immediately felt warm in her heart.However, Leng Ye was in a state of confusion, and saw him slowly put away the mahogany sword, walked to Jin Nanyan's side, sat down, smiled, and said, "I'm not tired!"

"Brother Leng, you are so patient and enduring! You don't even feel tired even after 24 monster-killing skills training. If it were me, I would have been tired." Jin Nanyan said, and she waited while she spoke. Those big black shiny eyes, the eyelashes are still blinking.

"Hehe, it's nothing. In a church in Africa, I chatted with more than a dozen women... women's faces were red and out of breath until dawn." Leng Ye originally wanted to put her in the bedroom of the lemur queen He said about his romantic affair, but suddenly realized that the timing was wrong, so he quickly changed his words.

But Jin Nanyan heard the clue, as if deliberately making Leng Ye look ugly, and said, "Brother Leng, are you chatting with Sister Shuang'er and the others?"

"Of course! Could it be the dead lemur queen? Haha!"

"Just chatting?"

"That... of course."

"Then aren't you thirsty?"

"I'm not thirsty—I'm not thirsty. Your Sister Shuang'er and the others are extremely thirsty, looking for water everywhere, women! Be more delicate. By the way, Yan'er, you must be thirsty after singing all day and all night." ?”

"Brother Leng, don't you know that although there are delicious food and wine in the game, people don't get thirsty?"

(End of this chapter)

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