Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 721 The Fairy Garden 2

Chapter 721 Elf Garden II (15)
Hearing Jin Nanyan's words, Leng Ye immediately knew that she had been duped, and thought: "This little girl is too ghostly, she can eat people without spitting out her bones, she can compete with Shuang'er. It seems that I must be careful in the future It's gone." But how could Leng Ye admit it directly!Not willing to admit defeat, he hurriedly said: "Yan'er, you don't know, Africa is so hot, especially the church on the high mountain, as soon as you enter, people sweat all over, the game designer is too inhumane."

"Brother Leng, is that mountain high?" Jin Nanyan asked again.

Leng Ye didn't know what the little girl was doing, and thought it should be exaggerated to make it look more real, so she said, "Yes! It's very tall! It's 4000 meters high."

Unexpectedly, Jin Nanyan said: "Brother Leng, didn't you say that the temperature drops by [-] degrees Celsius for every [-] meters you rise? It should be cold, why is it still hot!"

"This little girl's thoughts are really meticulous. Ordinarily, someone who studies art shouldn't be so proficient in geography!" Leng Ye had no choice but to cheat, and said with a smile: "The cathedral is a different space, maybe because of the design of the game. Those who prefer to set it up like this in summer!"

Jin Nanyan immediately pouted and said, "Hmph! Brother Leng, you are lying! Make it up! Make it up! No wonder Sister Shuang'er said you are a big liar!"

"Shuang'er, Shuang'er, your husband, even if I tell a white lie once in a while, that doesn't mean I'm a big liar!" Leng Ye felt depressed, trying to defend himself, and was about to say something to Jin Nanyan. But saw the little girl stand up.

"Brother Leng, what level is your spirit snake sword?" Jin Nanyan asked suddenly.

Leng Ye opened it and was surprised at first, then smiled again.

That's right, Leng Ye's spirit snake sword righteousness has been upgraded to another level.

It was Leng Ye's expectation that Spirit Snake Swordsmanship could be promoted to level [-]. After all, he worked so hard to "prestige" in front of Yan'er all day and night. However, what surprised Leng Ye was not Spiritual Snake Swordsmanship's [-]th level Level, but sword frequency.

What Leng Ye never expected was that the frequency of level 24 Spirit Snake Sword and Righteous Sword has reached [-], which means that every time he strikes a sword, it will cause [-] times the damage to the target.After just [-] hours of struggle, Leng Ye doubled his own attack, no wonder he was unhappy.

What's more terrible is not the increase in the frequency of the sword, but the increase in the speed of the sword.What made Leng Ye even more unexpected was that level [-] Spirit Snake Swordsmanship actually added a skill that increases the speed of attack by [-] (percent sign).Don't underestimate the [-] (percent sign), if you calculate it carefully, you will find that it has a huge impact on Leng Ye who has the spirit of the snake sword.

(End of this chapter)

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