Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 728 The Fairy Garden 2

Chapter 728 Elf Garden II (22)
"Then are you going to make a promise now?" Leng Ye asked with a smirk on his face.

"Here? No way! Hmph! If you don't get the 'betrothal gift' I want, you don't want to take advantage of me! Don't forget, you swore a heavy oath in front of Empress Nuwa, and if you don't get it, you've broken your oath Oh!" Jin Nanyan said with a smile.

Leng Ye had no choice but to take out the mahogany sword again, and frantically chopped up the fairy green mushroom...

Leng Ye was not angry with Jin Nanyan, he began to gradually understand Jin Nanyan or Shuang'er's painstaking efforts, he guessed, maybe because they knew Leng Ye's inherently lazy nature, they came up with such a "forced marriage" method, so that Leng Ye upgrades Soul Sword As soon as possible. You must know that every time this skill is upgraded, it will have an unprecedented impact on Leng Ye in terms of attack.

Since the girls are so caring, Leng Ye doesn't want to disappoint them. He became diligent for the first time, killing the elf green mushroom in a boring way. One sword is faster than one sword, and one sword is stronger than one sword. However, since Leng Ye changed to mahogany After the sword, there was no "noise" again, so that the little girl Jin Nanyan fell asleep while singing.

Thirty hours passed in a flash, and Leng Ye was still performing the same action boringly, hitting the elf green mushroom, and by chance, he found that the spirit snake sword had been upgraded, and he was surprised: "So fast! Why? possible?"

Spirit Snake Sword has been upgraded to level [-], just like when it was level [-], the frequency of swords has increased by [-], and the speed of attack has also increased by [-] (percentage sign).Now, Spirit Snake Jianyi's sword frequency has reached [-], and the attack speed has also reached [-] (percentage sign).Leng Ye can deal [-] times the damage with just a single sword strike.

Another reason that surprised Leng Ye was the upgrade speed of Spirit Snake Sword.Since it took about 24 hours for Spirit Snake Sword to upgrade from level 20 to level [-], according to Leng Ye's estimation, it would take more than ten or [-] days, or even more, to upgrade from level [-] to level [-], but he did not expect it to happen. It was upgraded in a little over thirty hours, which puzzled Leng Ye, and he re-examined the skill of Spirit Snake Sword.

Leng Ye has a habit of never giving up on whatever he decides to do until the goal is achieved.However, Leng Ye's mind is not simple, and within a few minutes, he has figured out the entire upgrade law of the Spirit Snake Sword.It turned out to be very simple. When level [-] is upgraded to level [-], it should be upgraded with only [-] swords, and when level [-] is upgraded to [-], it should be [-] swords. [-] times that of the previous level.Calculated in this way, it should take [-] swords to upgrade from level [-] to level [-], and [-] million swords to upgrade from level [-] to [-].

According to Leng Ye's sword-out speed, there are about four to five swords per second, so it takes almost three days to upgrade from level [-] to level [-].In fact, Leng Ye did take less than three days.

Calculating in this way, it would take 23 million swords to move from level [-] to level [-]. Although the speed of the sword has increased by [-] (percent), it would still take about [-] or four days.

(End of this chapter)

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