Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 729 The Fairy Garden 2

Chapter 729 Elf Garden II (23)
If it was normal, let alone let Leng Ye do the same boring thing for 23 or [-] days in a row, even three or four days would be enough to annoy him to death.However, since Leng Ye guessed the minds of the girls, not only has he successfully raised the Spirit Snake Sword to level [-], but now he is looking forward to level [-] again, because he saw that it was only a few days ago. Over time, his attack can be increased by at least [-] times.

Don't think that Leng Ye is afraid of women. On the contrary, as a helpless orphan, Leng Ye is fearless. The reason why he "obeys" Shuang'er and the others is because he loves them and doesn't want to make them sad. ,sad.These women are the closest people Leng Ye has in this world. He cares about this kind of family affection very much, perhaps it is beyond the understanding of ordinary people.Of course, Shuang'er and the others did not disappoint Leng Ye either. They seldom make unreasonable demands, and they have their reasons for everything, and they have never done anything to apologize to Leng Ye. Although Leng Ye is sometimes confused, It is still the reason why they voluntarily "take the bait" and are "played" by them.

Of course, women are women after all, and their help to Leng Ye is limited, most of the time they still focus on Leng Ye, otherwise, they will circle around Leng Ye.

Thinking of the "good intentions" of a few women, Leng Ye thought: "If you endure hardships, you will become a master. As long as you persist for another [-] days, the Spirit Snake Sword will reach level [-]. You can hit more than ten times the attack with a single shot, so why not kill a god when you meet a god, or kill a Buddha when you meet a Buddha! All gods and beasts, all fairy beasts, stand aside!"

At that moment, Leng Ye made up his mind, glanced at Jin Nanyan who was sleeping soundly, smiled, pulled out the mahogany sword again, and chopped down at the "skill master" elf green mushroom.

Leng Ye's chopping lasted for more than [-] days, during which time, Shuang'er and others did not come over, only Jin Nanyan accompanied him, occasionally sang for him, and then fell asleep again.

It wasn't until the No.20 three days that Leng Ye habitually glanced at the attributes of the Spirit Snake Sword, then heaved a sigh of relief and squatted down on the ground.

At this time, Jin Nanyan woke up, saw Leng Ye's expressionless expression, ran over quickly, and asked with concern: "Brother Leng, what's wrong with you?" Leng Ye smiled, shook his head, and signaled to himself fine.

The little girl Jin Nanyan spoke out again, she smiled and said to Leng Ye: "Brother Leng, shall I give you a massage?"

"Massage?" Leng Ye stared at Jin Nanyan's eyes for a while, feeling that the little girl's eyes are very beautiful, especially the long eyelashes, which are blinking and full of affection, almost wanting to tick off Leng Ye's soul up.

"Brother Leng! Brother Leng—" Jin Nanyan called Leng Ye twice, and then woke up the "addicted" Leng Ye.

"Oh! No... don't press it anymore. I haven't showered for more than [-] days. It's too dirty! I have good news for you, the Snake Sword has reached level [-]!" Leng Ye's words shocked Jin Nanyan again. up.But this time it didn't scare the little girl away, but made her scream in fright, and then threw herself on Leng Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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