Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 730 The Fairy Garden 2

Chapter 730 Elf Garden II (24)
Leng Ye and Jin Nanyan were in close contact again, and he smelled the girl's unique body fragrance again. He hugged the little girl tightly in his arms, feeling the prostration in front of her, and at the same time, the two big hands began to move dishonestly. Feeling carelessly on her back...

"Brother Leng, don't! Don't... It's not good to be seen by others..." Jin Nanyan tried to stop Leng Ye's overbearing with words, but the result can be imagined.

Finally, when Leng Ye was about to kiss Jin Nanyan's red lips, their pagers rang at the same time, which really made Leng Ye very depressed.

"Who is it!" Leng Ye turned on the beeper without looking at it, and shouted into it as if he had taken gunpowder.

A gentle female voice quickly came from the other end of the pager: "Ah! Who offended my husband, do you want Shuang'er to avenge you!"

"It's my good Shuang'er! Good wife, I'm busy practicing skills! Where are you now?"

"Husband, haven't you practiced your skills yet? We have found the whereabouts of the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox, Nine-Tailed Spirit Monkey and Nine-Tailed Spirit Dog, and they are now at Nine-Tailed Spirit Dog's place! Come quickly!"

"Nine-tailed spirit dog? Isn't that related to prestige? How can we kill that one first! You have big breasts and no brains! You go to the nine-tailed spirit fox and wait for me. It is the ultimate level challenge messenger. If we kill it, we will not be able to upgrade Yet!"

"But in case..."

"It's nothing in case, you go there and wait for me!"

After Leng Ye finished speaking, he hung up the pager. He wanted to do something to Jin Nanyan at first, but when he saw the little girl chatting with someone and giggling from time to time, he suddenly lost interest.

Leng Ye was a little depressed, pulled out the lazy sword, and intuitively felt that the lazy sword was as light as a mahogany sword, and used the broken sword style one after another at the crippled elf green mushroom. bang.In less than a second, the four swords went down and killed the elf green mushroom with [-] million health, [-] defense, and a "greening" skill.

Leng Ye stared blankly at the lazy sword in his hand, a little unable to believe his own eyesight, recalling the red letters of more than [-] that floated out of the elf green mushroom every time, Leng Ye smiled happily, and put everything in his hands. All unhappiness goes to the back of my mind.

The loud noise obviously alarmed Jin Nanyan in "Hot Chat". She ran towards Leng Ye angrily, and when she got close to Leng Ye, she jumped up and threw herself on Leng Ye, two white and tender little ones. She hugged Leng Ye's neck tightly with her hands, and at the same time, her legs were also tightly wrapped around Leng Ye's waist.

It is undeniable that Jin Nanyan not only has a devil-like figure, but she has also brought the flexibility of her body to the limit of human beings.Before Leng Ye could react, she first gave Leng Ye a sweet kiss. In an instant, the hands around Leng Ye's neck were released, and her body fell backwards, her hands were already on the ground. The legs holding Leng Ye's waist were also loosened, and he did a backflip, leaving Leng Ye's body.

(End of this chapter)

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