Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 739 The Fairy Garden 2

Chapter 739 Elf Garden II (33)
"It should be possible. But I've only seen it cast six spells at the same time. If it wasn't for the full evasion of the super artifact suit, I'm afraid I would have died a long time ago." Shui Rulanda.

"The magic it casts with its tail?" Leng Ye asked again.

"Yes, husband, how do you know?" Shui Rulan asked in surprise.Not only her, but also the girls present were all surprised.

Leng Ye smiled and said nothing.

Magicians have always had terrifying attack power, as long as they don't die, most of the enemies won't be able to survive.Leng Ye knew this very well. Although he had not witnessed the power of the seven-tailed monkey, he could already imagine the horror of seven kinds of magic hitting one person at the same time.

"The seven-tailed monkey has seven tails and can cast seven spells, so what about the eight-tailed monkey and the nine-tailed spirit monkey?" Thinking of this, Leng Ye couldn't help feeling a little terrified, and began to worry.

The most direct and effective way for warriors to fight against magical monsters is to attack and destroy them in close quarters, thereby eliminating the source of magic fundamentally.However, the premise is that you can get close to the monsters, or have the opportunity to get close to them.

The seven-tailed demon monkey not only has many types of magic, but also can release them at the same time, "instantly". Disaster.

"Husband, it would be great if there is magic and equipment that can prevent monkeys from casting spells." Shui Rulan said.

"Yes! The stick of silence in the [-]C confrontation is good, but none of us have it!" Leng Ye smiled and sighed.

"Husband, my Nine Heavens Bow can attack at a super long distance, and it is the most effective against this kind of magic monster. Do you remember the scene in Journey to the West where Erlang God shot and killed the Hydra? Today I shot the tail of the monkey Let's see what it does." Xuemei said confidently.

"Xue'er is right. As long as we can get rid of its tail first, the monkey will be at the end of the crossbow and will only be slaughtered!" Leng Ye nodded and asked, "Which one of you still has?" Is there any other way?" Leng Ye's move is nothing more than mobilizing the enthusiasm of the girls and letting them broaden their thinking.Leng Ye knows that they are not stupid, but they are all lazy. The difference from Leng Ye is that they are "lazy gods", while Leng Ye is "lazy".Leng Ye knew that as long as he kept inspiring them and arousing their enthusiasm, they would be of great help to him in the future.

"Husband, my beauty mirror is also good! I can fly to the sky and blind the monkey's eyes! Then it won't be able to see, even if it uses the method, it can't find the target, hehe! Husband, I'm smart!" Qiuzi Mei said immediately.

Leng Ye knew that the beauty mirror had a super long-range attack. As for the ability to blind a monkey's eyes, Leng Ye just took it as Qiu Zimei's joke.However, in order to praise Qiu Zimei, Leng Ye nodded in satisfaction.

"Husband, if it really doesn't work, I'll cast the forbidden curse! Now that the light of judgment can exert a power of [-] (percent), it shouldn't be difficult to kill four monkeys around level [-]." Shuang'er also stepped forward. Said.

(End of this chapter)

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