Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 740 The Fairy Garden 2

Chapter 740 Elf Garden II (34)
Leng Ye's heart skipped a beat, and he was overjoyed: "Light of Judgment is the priest's ultimate attack spell. Even with a power of [-] (percent), it should be easy to kill monsters below the level of divine beasts, but such a powerful It's a pity that the spell can only be used once a month before Shuang'er reaches level [-], so how can he use it easily!" So Leng Ye said to Shuang'er: "It is not a last resort."

"Husband, my catching technique has been upgraded, I think I should use the catching technique to catch it, so as not to trouble everyone!" Shuangju said.

"What's the success rate?" Leng Ye asked.

"One out of ten thousand." Shuangju replied.

Crazy in the cold night!Although it is ten times higher than the one in [-] before the upgrade, the probability is hard to say, and who can guarantee that the capture technique will be successful once in [-] times.Besides, it takes time to perform the catching technique. I am afraid that the monkey has not been caught yet, and the time for the challenge has come.But Leng Ye couldn't dampen Shuangju's enthusiasm, so he said to her: "You and Shuang'er, as a surprise soldier, wait for the opportunity and don't get close to the monster."

"Husband, let me use a critical strike! Knock the monkey to the ground, and then it won't be in the mood to cast magic." Bauhinia said.

Leng Ye hurriedly said: "Zi'er can't! With your current level, it is still difficult to cause fatal damage to the eight-tailed monkey and nine-tailed monkey. You can use it when your level is higher. Wait, stand far away and listen I command!"

Afterwards, Leng Ye came to the quintuplets again and said, "Jin'er, you five sisters should run the Five Elements Formation. With your husband around, monkeys can't hurt you. Remember: you only need to activate the resurrection skill. Don't worry about the rest."

"Honey, don't worry! We all listen to you." Jin Xing said.

Finally, Leng Ye said to Shui Rulan: "Lan Lan, you also stand at a distance, don't be impulsive, and follow my command."

"Husband, I—" Shui Rulan possessed a super-sacred equipment suit and a super-sacred dragon-slaying knife, so she was naturally unwilling to hide behind like the other girls, obviously puzzled by Leng Ye's words.

"Stop talking! The only ones who can cause fatal damage to the monkeys here are you, me, and Xue'er. None of us can die, otherwise we may not be able to face the ultimate challenge - the nine-tailed spirit monkey. Ice and fire suit Although it has the attribute of full dodge, it is only [-] (percentage sign), just in case... so there can be no accidents. You have the Dragon Slaying Saber in hand, let alone any mistakes, understand?"

Shui Rulan nodded.

Everything was arranged properly, and everyone quietly waited for the eight-tailed monkey to appear.

Time passed minute by minute, and finally, the monkey appeared in the center of the platform. However, its appearance shocked everyone, and even disrupted Leng Ye's previous deployment.

(End of this chapter)

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