Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 742 The Fairy Garden 2

Chapter 742 Elf Garden II (36)
When Leng Ye saw the attributes of the elf sister monkey, he thought it was a bit weird, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he used a magic spell on it again.This time, when the Divine Appreciation Technique came out, Leng Ye finally understood the source of that feeling—[-] million magic spells.

Ordinary monsters do not display this data. It can be understood that they do not consume mana when casting skills, they have "infinite" mana, or it can be understood that because their skill cooling time is too slow, the mana consumed by the skill and the automatic recovery Magic seems to be negligible.

"Why does the elf sister monkey have this data? With this, does it mean that it needs to consume mana to release skills? Although [-] million is a lot, since there is a number, it will eventually be used up. If a magician doesn't have magic, then his magic skills are just for display." Thinking of this, Leng Ye's heart suddenly brightened.

"Lan Lan, how long did it take to kill the seven-tailed monkey?" Leng Ye asked.

"Honey, it's 10 minutes. Starting from the two-tailed monkey (the first monkey was instantly killed by the Bauhinia flower), each time limit is [-] minutes." Shui Rulan said.

"The time limit for challenging the three guards of the Spirit Snake is also 10 minutes. If there is no accident, the time to challenge the Elf Sister Monkey should still be 10 minutes. I just don't know how much mana each magic skill of the Elf Sister Monkey consumes, otherwise it will We can know whether it can consume its mana within these 10 minutes." Leng Ye was thinking in his heart.

Since Leng Ye couldn't guarantee to survive a round of attacks by the elf sister monkeys with sixteen tails, he gave up the idea of ​​cutting off the sixteen tails first, and instead consumed all the magic of the elf sister monkeys first. This method of drawing fire from the bottom of the pot is used to attack the elf sister monkeys.As for whether this method is feasible, Leng Ye is not yet fully sure, but Leng Ye already has another way to deal with emergencies in his heart.

"Husband, can I kill it?" Shui Rulan saw a smile appearing on Leng Ye's face, and asked.

Leng Ye nodded, looked around at the girls again, and said, "None of you are allowed to move without my order!" Seeing that the quintuplet sisters had already activated the five-element formation, he didn't say any more, walked into the elf Sister monkey, with a wave of the lazy sword, made a move of the whirling sword!

The sword turned around, and Leng Ye's sword went down and cut through the eight tails on one of the monkey's buttocks. However, he was somewhat disappointed that the tail was not cut off, otherwise he would not have to use the "magic consumption method" The tactics directly wiped out the elf sister monkeys.However, this is also within Leng Ye's expectations. After all, the elf sister monkeys can be regarded as high-level fairy beasts, and they are not so easy to kill.

To the surprise of the girls, the red letters "-170" floated out from each tail of the elf sister monkeys.In less than a second, he was able to kill nearly [-] million blood from immortal beasts. Leng Ye can be regarded as a strange person in the history of "Ling Yun".

(End of this chapter)

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