Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 743 The Fairy Garden 2

Chapter 743 Elf Garden II (37)
"Sister Shuang'er, hubby...why is he so powerful!" The Ice Witch asked idiotically, her words were full of three-point surprise and seven-point surprise.

"Silly sister, my husband's spirit snake sword has reached level 20, and he can deal [-] times the attack every time he uses the sword, so it's not surprising that he can deal more than [-] damage. Don't underestimate my husband's body casually." With one turn, that's one of his few group skills—the whirling sword, which can attack all the monsters around, so it can hit as many monsters as there are." Shuang'er eloquently explained.

"What a pervert! No wonder we are not allowed to go up to help. It turns out that we are afraid that we will distract him." The Ice Witch said.

When the women turned their gazes back to Leng Ye, they found that he was already hanging in mid-air, and the lazy sword in his hand was still drawing in the void, "drawing" a beautiful magic barrier of a six-pointed star.

A few girls recognized it, it was Leng Ye's Dugu Nine Swords' one move to break the magic formula.This skill can not only resist the attack of magic, but also surprisingly good-looking, full of fantasy color, it is recognized by several women as the most gorgeous move among all the skills of Leng Ye.

Look again, at this moment, among the eighteen tails of the elf sister monkeys, twelve of them are facing the cold night, constantly emitting various types of magic.The gorgeous magic of each department shines even more when it encounters the already gorgeous magic barrier, which is even better than the colorful fireworks.

"So beautiful!"

"so beautiful!"

"Husband, come on! Put more!"


Several girls applauded Leng Ye one after another.Apparently, they were deeply attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of them, one by one indulged in it, got carried away, and almost ignored the existence of the monster elf sister monkey.

Leng Ye was not as interested as a few girls. While using the magic-breaking formula, he quietly observed the elf sister monkeys on the opposite side through the magic barrier. To be precise, they were the seven tails of the elf sister monkeys.

Leng Ye had been to the martial arts training ground of the Sword Demon God Palace, and had seen many magicians use their skills. From his memory, he could recognize that the paired tails of the elf sister monkeys used wind, thunder, Water, fire, earth, and darkness, there are six kinds of magic, and they are all advanced skills of magicians, so their powers are really different.Judging from the "sparks" produced by the collision between the six kinds of magic and the magic barrier, Leng Ye has already felt the horror. Although he still can't fully understand the essence of Dugu Nine Swords, Leng Ye has faintly sensed the attack with Lazy Sword It has something to do with speed, and I couldn't help feeling moved by the Nine-Tailed Spirit Snake—teaching Leng Ye Spirit Snake sword righteousness.

Now there are only two white tails and two mixed tails left on the fairy sister monkeys that can attract Leng Ye's attention, a total of four tails that have not yet shown their power.Although I don't know what kind of magic skills these four tails will emit, Leng Ye has already vaguely sensed the unusualness of them.Seeing that the same color tails on both sides of the elf sister monkeys emit the same magic, Leng Ye said: "Xue'er, shoot off both the white tail and the red and white tail of the monkey on the right!"

(End of this chapter)

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