Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 749 The Fairy Garden 2

Chapter 749 Elf Garden II (43)
However, one second passed, two seconds passed, Shui Rulan realized that she was not dead yet, she slowly opened her eyes, and found that Shuang'er was standing in front of her.

"Sister Lan, thank you! If it wasn't for you, Shuang'er would have died." Shuang'er said while pulling Shui Rulan's arm.

"Sister Shuang'er, I...why didn't I die? Didn't the monkey's magic hit me already?" Shui Rulan asked in surprise.

"(^^_^^*) Hehe... Sister Lan, you are a good person and you will be rewarded. It should be because of the [-] (percent) chance on your suit!" Shuang'er said with a smile.

"[-]% chance? Dodge all?" Thinking of this, Shui Rulan finally understood.She looked around and found that the elf sister monkey had disappeared, and asked again: "Sister Shuang'er, where is the monkey? Dead?"

"It was my husband who killed it. I didn't expect him to go around foolishly, but he actually killed the monkey. It's pity that the two of us were used as meat shields, and we almost didn't die." Shuang'er said, and then said to Looking at Leng Ye who was still spinning, he said, "Honey, the monkeys are dead, why are you spinning around?"

However, at this moment, Shuang'er was like playing the piano to a cow, and her words had no effect on Leng Ye.

"Sister Lan, quickly see what's wrong with your husband?" Shuang'er asked anxiously.

"Honey, stop pretending, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Monkey is coming out soon!"

"Honey, are you stupid?"

"Husband, husband—"


Several girls also gathered around one by one, looking at the still rotating Leng Ye, they couldn't help feeling worried.

Following the continuous exclamation of the women, Leng Ye finally woke up and sat down on the ground, looking bewildered and sluggish.

"Husband, what's the matter with you?" Shuang'er asked anxiously, her words also represented the meaning of the other women, each of them held their breath, waiting for Leng Ye's answer.

Since Leng Ye had already been stabbed by Ruo Lanhua before, and had been hit by an "evil" once, the women guessed that Leng Ye was probably bewitched by an evil spirit, and they no longer suspected that he was faking, but became more worried.

After a while, Leng Ye sighed, and said: "That red and white tail is so powerful, just one, a magic, almost killed me!!"

"Honey, are you alright?" Shuang'er asked.

"It's much better now!" Leng Ye said, his complexion was indeed much better than before.

"Honey, you just said a red and white tail? What's wrong with that tail?" Shuang'er asked.

"It's an 'evil' tail. When a spell strikes me, I feel dizzy, like falling asleep. When I wake up, I feel weak in limbs and lack of energy." Leng Ye said.

"That should be mind control magic. Fortunately, the monkey's magic level is not high, so it can only make my husband spin around in place. Otherwise, if it completely controls my husband and kills our sisters in turn, we will probably die. Who can do it?" Block the spirit snake sword that is twice as powerful at that time!" said the ice witch.

(End of this chapter)

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