Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 750 The Fairy Garden 2

Chapter 750 Elf Garden II (44)
"Bing'er, what are you talking about spinning in circles? Did it hurt you?" Leng Ye was puzzled and asked.

When Shuang'er told her what Leng Ye did after she became a magician, Leng Ye really felt the power and horror of this magic, and felt that this game became more and more perverted and more real.

"That monkey is too stupid, isn't it? Knowing that my husband is using a whirling sword, it still casts such a spell on my husband. Isn't that just asking for death?" The Ice Witch said suddenly.

"Monkeys are animals after all, no matter how smart they are, they can't compete with humans!" Shuangju echoed.

"What do you know, this should be the intention of the game designers. They let the monkeys go east, but the monkeys dare not go west, let the monkeys beat the dogs, but the monkeys dare not scold the chickens..." Huo Huo said.

After listening to the women's words, Leng Ye was thoughtful: "The Nine-tailed Spirit Snake said that the four of them should be trapped by Empress Nuwa to 'stand still', or their range of activities is very small. Could it be Just now, the elf sister monkeys couldn't leave the same place, they could only go around in circles? So it's the same for the nine-tailed spirit monkey that will be refreshed?" Thinking of this, Leng Ye's heart suddenly brightened.

At this moment, the "little alarm clock" Bauhinia spoke again, and shouted loudly: "Honey, there are only 3 minutes until the time for the Nine-tailed Monkey to refresh."

Due to Leng Ye's accidental "injury", everyone hadn't had time to discuss countermeasures. After listening to it for only 3 minutes, the girls were scrambling like ants on a hot pot.

"Husband, the elf sister monkeys are all high-level fairy beasts, and the nine-tailed spirit monkey is the lowest level of divine beasts, what should we do?" Shuang'er said.Shuang'er is a very smart girl, but when it comes to such a critical moment, she doesn't use her brain and turns to Leng Ye for help. Maybe this is the commonality of women!Not only her, but the other women also looked anxious.

Before Leng Ye could speak, Shui Rulan spoke, and said, "Sister Shuang'er, don't worry! If I'm not wrong, my husband could kill the elf sister monkey just now without any effort, and the reason why he delayed so much must be I want to fully understand the unique moves of the monkey, so I also know the general situation of the nine-tailed monkey that I just created."

Shui Rulan's words woke up the girls and Yibangzi completely. Only now did they fully understand the reason why Leng Ye didn't let the elf sister monkey be released early, even though she knew she was a fairy beast.

Leng Ye smiled, took Shui Rulan into his arms, kissed her tenderly, looked at Shui Rulan's eyes that were so captivating, and said, "My Lan Lan has grown up." Shui Rulan Lan also looked at Leng Ye affectionately, blushing, and didn't intend to break free.

"Husband, I'm on fire, why are you still in the mood to flirt with Sister Lan Lan!" Shuang Ju said, obviously angry at Leng Ye's "not doing business properly".

Leng Ye let go of Shui Rulan in his arms, stood up slowly, stretched his waist, smiled, and said: "Shuang'er, don't worry, the nine-tailed monkey is already under the control of my husband, it can't run away , you just wait to pick up the artifact!"

(End of this chapter)

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