Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 773 Elf Garden

Chapter 773 The Fairy Garden (7) ([-])
Nine-tailed spirit dog: a middle-ranked purple beast, life [-] million, physical attack [-], defense [-], speed [-], skill: vicious dog attack *spiritual eight-tailed dog flies and bites the enemy, there is a [-] (percentage sign) chance Cause [-] times damage to the enemy), rabies virus (when the elf eight-tailed dog makes a physical attack, there is a [-] (percentage sign) chance to poison the target. All players, monsters, etc.), skeleton bullets (a hidden weapon made by the elf eight-tailed dog with the leftover skeletons, which has great power), dog jumping wall (the nine-tailed dog instantly sacrifices [-] (percent) of the current HP Quantity, thus increasing the attack by [-] times, the defense by [-] times, and the speed by [-] times to attack the enemy).

To Leng Ye's surprise, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Dog has already reached the middle-level purple rank, and it is one level away from the upper-level beast. In this regard, it is better than the Nine-Tailed Spirit Snake, and it is no wonder that the Nine-Tailed Spirit The monkey said that the nine-tailed spirit dog was the strongest among the four of them.

Its attributes are second best, and what is even more frightening are its four skills.Leng Ye has already seen the power of the first three skills from the elf eight-tailed dog, and he absolutely believes that the three skills of the nine-tailed spirit dog are even better.The scariest and most perverted thing is the "dog jumping over the wall" skill. Once this skill is used, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Dog will have an attack of [-], a defense of [-] million, and a speed of [-].

The moment he saw Huang Hua, disdain for the nine-tailed spirit dog flashed in Leng Ye's mind.However, when Leng Ye saw the skill of Gouji Jumping Wall, he completely lost confidence and exclaimed: "Is this the power close to the power of a high-level beast!!"

"Prestige is a difficult thing to deal with, and it has just shown its power. I must not give up!" Leng Ye said to himself solemnly.

"He Shibi's resurrection times should be used up. What should I do now? What should I do..." Leng Ye kept asking himself, obviously he was a little impatient.

At some point, Shui Rulan had already come to Leng Ye's side, seeing his anxious look, she said softly: "Husband, the Nine-tailed Spirit Dog must be very powerful! I also know that you must kill it, I know the importance of prestige. Husband, our sisters will not stop you, we will listen to you, we believe in you, and we will always support you! Whether you can kill the nine-tailed spirit dog or not, we all love you the same—— "

After finishing speaking, Shui Rulan gave Leng Ye a sweet kiss, and at the same time secretly stuffed two jade pendants, one yellow and one black, into Leng Ye's hands, and then sat on the divine beast Azure Dragon again...

Shui Rulan's words are a strong sedative for Leng Ye.With the approval of her own woman, Leng Ye regained her confidence and once again fell into the contemplation of dealing with the Nine-tailed Spirit Dog.

"Before the Nine-Tailed Spirit Dog uses Gouji Jumping Wall, the most powerful thing is that skeleton bomb. What are the chances of me surviving with this skill?" Leng Ye thought in his heart, started a series of calculations, and finally came to the conclusion A conclusion - [-] (percentage sign).

(End of this chapter)

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