Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 774 Elf Garden

Chapter 774 The Fairy Garden (8) ([-])
He calculated it like this:
Eight skeleton bullets are launched together. Once they are fired, they hit the target at the same time. Each has a [-] (percent) chance to give the target [-] times the number of attacks. Conversely, each skeleton bullet will There is an [-] (percent) chance of no yellowing.In this way, the probability that the [-] skeleton bullets will not yellow at the same time is the multiplication of [-] [-] (percentage signs), and the result is about [-] (percentage signs). Therefore, the eight skeleton bullets hit Leng Ye at the same time , at least one chance of occurrence of yellowing is [-] (percentage sign).

As long as eight skeleton bombs fired at the same time hit Leng Ye at the same time, and one of them turned yellow, then Leng Ye would not have to die.In other words, Leng Ye's chance of surviving each wave of skeleton bullets is [-] (percent), which is quite a high chance. (Lazy remember that in many games, the upper limit of dodging suits is [-] (percentage sign). After reaching this data, it is almost impossible to be attacked by monsters.)
"Shuang'er and Lan Lan's He's Bi were also given to me. It shouldn't be difficult to escape directly, but how many times can these four pieces of He's Bi be resurrected?" Leng Ye has been troubled by this question, he feels He's Bi became more and more mysterious.

"Young Xia Leng, as long as you upgrade Huang Hua's skills to the level of a grand master, and then find nine mages to form the Nine Demon Trapped Immortal Formation, you will definitely be able to tear the nine-tailed spirit dog into pieces!" Leng Ye repeatedly thought about nine The words of the tailed monkey finally came to a conclusion - the nine-tailed monkey wanted him to die.That's right, the two skills of the Nine-Tailed Spirit Dog can defuse the skeleton bullets, but Leng Ye is not even [-]/[-] sure if he wants to survive the "dog jumping over the wall".

After much deliberation, Leng Ye felt that it would be impossible to defeat the Nine-tailed Spirit Dog, so he decided to outwit him.

When he came to the Nine-Tailed Spirit Dog, Leng Ye said politely: "Mr. Ling Dog, hello, I am Leng Ye!" As soon as he said this, Leng Ye noticed that the eyes of the Nine-Tailed Spirit Dog rolled and glanced at him , the eyes revealed indifference and contempt, and then looked away from him.

"It is said that dogs look down on people, now I finally understand!" Leng Ye sighed.

"Looks like I can't control you without some tricks!" Leng Ye smiled, and said to the Nine-Tailed Spirit Dog: "Mr. Spirit Dog, I have already killed the Nine-Tailed Spirit Snake for you. The time has come."

Leng Ye's trick really worked, and immediately attracted the attention of the Nine-Tailed Spirit Dog, and he only heard it say: "Young Xia Leng, did you really kill the naughty thief of the Nine-Tailed Spirit Snake?"

Hearing the word "prostitution thief", Leng Ye was stunned for a moment, secretly pleased, and said, "Mr. Linggou, yes."

The nine-tailed spirit dog rolled its eyeballs, and said, "Call me Miss Spirit Dog! How dare you ask how Leng Shaoxia killed the thief, the spirit snake."

"Miss? I'm still talking about a 'prostitute'. Could it be that the Nine-Tailed Spirit Snake betrayed her?" Leng Ye thought in his heart, overjoyed, and said, "Miss Linggou, I'm ashamed to say it..."

When Leng Ye explained how to kill the Nine-Tailed Spirit Snake with the help of the Thousand-faced Fox, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Monkey looked up to the sky and laughed loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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