Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 790 Trip to the Arctic Ocean

Chapter 790 Trip to the Arctic Ocean (4)
Polar bear: middle-level red-grade fairy beast, life [-] million, attack [-], defense [-], speed [-], skill: ice palm (the polar bear attacks the enemy with its palm, each shot has a [-] (percentage sign) chance to hit the one that ignores defense Double damage, and there is a [-] (percentage sign) chance of incidental ice damage. After the enemy receives ice damage, the movement speed will be reduced by [-] (percentage sign), and the shooting speed will be reduced by [-] (percentage sign)), roaring (polar bears can Transform into an arctic roaring bear, after transforming, it can send out a burst of sound waves to attack the enemy every [-] seconds, and has a [-] (percent) chance to stun the enemy for three seconds.), transformation (the polar bear can transform into an arctic roaring bear , the attributes are reduced by [-] (percentage sign) after transformation).

Seeing the attributes of the polar bear, Leng Ye exclaimed: "Strong! An absolutely powerful fighter! Much stronger than Lan Lan, a berserker with a dragon-slaying knife!"

"Brother Leng, can you deal with it?" Jin Nanyan asked softly.

Leng Ye smiled and nodded. At this moment, he was full of confidence and gave Jin Nanyan a few words, then, holding the lazy sword, he walked towards the polar bear.

At a place about five meters away from the polar bear, Leng Ye stopped, swiped his lazy sword, and used a sword bullet at the polar bear.As soon as this move was performed, twelve sword thunders shot out from the lazy sword almost at the same time, pointing directly at the back of the polar bear.

The polar bear wanted to hide when he heard the movement, but Jianlei stared at the polar bear like a missile with eyes.The polar bear lost speed, so he had to watch helplessly as he was hit by the sword thunder.

As soon as Jianlei touched the polar bear's body, it exploded, and immediately blew up the white polar bear beyond recognition. It was black and white, and it didn't look like a fairy beast.

However, what surprised Leng Ye was that Jianlei had "loud thunder and little rain". Although the polar bear was not "bear-like", it only knocked out less than [-] blood, which really made Leng Ye Depressed endlessly.

"Damn it! Looks like elementary sword bullets are still not good enough!" Leng Ye sighed, and now decided to practice this skill well. He is confident that this skill has reached the top level, and single-target attacks will never lose to the broken sword at the moment. .

"Brother Leng, the 'bomb' doesn't seem to be powerful enough!" Jin Nanyan obviously noticed this problem and said.

"Well! The main reason is that the level is too low. Don't worry, Brother Leng has plenty of ways to deal with this polar bear. Do you want Brother Leng to come quickly or slowly?" Leng Ye smiled, with a very confident expression.

"Brother Leng, let's make a quick decision! There is not much time left for the beauty task."

"Okay, Brother Leng is about to use a trick, so watch carefully!" Leng Ye said.Then, he muttered something: "Ruyi change, thinning clothes (the clothes with very good defensive effect, once resisted the attack of the double ring of letters behind the mythical beast lemur, it was changed by Peng Er to protect Leng Ye. Leng Ye believed that Peng'er this The eyes of magic beasts, so when you need defense in the future, you will change your Ruyi into this clothes)." As soon as he finished speaking, Leng Ye's upper body was covered by a thin white coat.

(End of this chapter)

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