Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 791 Trip to the Arctic Ocean

Chapter 791 Trip to the Arctic Ocean (5)
Leng Ye pulled out the lazy sword first, and then turned the avatar bracelet on his left hand. The next moment, three avatars that were exactly the same as Leng Ye (each with Leng Ye's [-] (percentage) strength, but could not use the skills) appeared in front of Leng Ye.

"Give it to me..." Leng Ye commanded the three clones with his thoughts.As soon as he gave an order, he saw the three avatars cast their lost steps, attacking the polar bear from three directions: east, west and north.

Leng Ye didn't stay idle either, and with every step of the way, he came to the south of the polar bear almost at the same time as the three clones, trapping the polar bear from all sides.

"Broken Sword Style!" Leng Ye yelled loudly, and then, the lazy sword in his hand pierced the polar bear's left eye at a fast speed. This sword was not only fast but also accurate!It pierced fiercely into the polar bear's left eye, and even knocked out more than [-] blood in one stroke, which made Leng Ye very pleased.

At the same time, the "lazy sword" in the hands of Leng Ye's three avatars hit the polar bear almost at the same time, piercing deeply into the polar bear's body, causing [-], [-] and [-] damage to it respectively. [-] damage.

In less than a second, Leng Ye had already wiped out nearly a million blood of the mid-level fairy beast polar bear, which really surprised the little girl Jin Nanyan.I saw her eyes widened, staring at Leng Ye intently, full of admiration and admiration, making the little girl secretly express her heart to Leng Ye again!
The little girl was happy, but the polar bear was angry.

Although the polar bear looks stupid, its reaction speed is not slow at all.Just as Leng Ye's sword was pulled out from its body, its hands had already moved out, and both palms came together, which caught Leng Ye by surprise.

I don't know if it was Leng Ye's bad luck or the polar bear's luck, it actually knocked out [-] of Leng Ye's blood with these two palms.If Leng Ye hadn't dodged in time and received another slap, he would definitely die.

"The polar bear has only [-] attacks in total, how can I knock out four times my blood at once? Even if I hit Ice Palm, it's only twice!" Leng Ye was very depressed at the moment, and suddenly, a fearful thought came from his mind Emerged: "Could it be because it has two bear paws?"

Leng Ye had just dodged, but his three clones continued to attack the polar bear because they didn't get Leng Ye's order. Three swords went down and knocked out more than [-] blood from the polar bear again.His three clones are like robots that can only obey orders, not afraid of life and death, still repeating the order Leng Ye gave them just now, frequently using the "broken sword style", the sword hit the polar bear's vitals.Since Leng Ye controls the avatar with his thoughts, in a sense, the avatar is like Leng Ye's arms and legs, allowing him to drive and move freely.

The polar bear is by no means a thing in the pool, he swung his palms again and slashed towards the clone in the west. In desperation, Leng Ye used his mind to command the clone to escape, but it was already too late.I saw that avatar was stabbing the last sword, and after knocking out [-] blood of the polar bear, both shoulders received two palms from the polar bear, and then it turned into a burst of white light and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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